Importing Large XML Documents using TEXTCOPY.EXE

By Bill Graziano on 3 December 2003 | Tags: XML

Jay submitted "I came across this article while looking at options for importing large XML Files into a SQL Server Text field.

It is an undocumented command line utility called TEXTCOPY.EXE.

If you don't want to extract an XML document's entities and attributes into relational tables during an insert, you can use the textcopy.exe command-line utility. Textcopy.exe is a good tool for moving text and image data types to or from a single server column and row.

Once in the DB you can manipulate it as needed.

It has been briefly mentioned by Rob Volk in Some posts:

and it has proved to be a useful commandline tool for our need."

Link: Importing Large XML Documents using TEXTCOPY.EXE

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