SQL Server 2005 Express Tips and Tricks Web Cast

By Bill Graziano on 26 February 2007 | Tags: Presentations , Webcasts

On March 6th, 2007 at 9AM PST I'll be doing a web cast on SQL Server 2005. This will be based on the "What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server 2005" presentation. We'll cover "writing SELECT statements and reading query plans, using the SqlClient namespace, stored procedures, error handling, and transactions". They have a whole series of web casts going on around ASP.NET and a few for SQL Server.

They are having a little contest to see who can register the most people so if you sign up please use my link. To register for my session, visit the web site and click on any of the "Find Out More" links. Then click on the "Data Access" tab near the bottom of the page. My session is near the bottom.

Link: SQL Server 2005 Express Tips and Tricks Web Cast

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What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server (Presentation) (11 October 2007)

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MSDN Webcast: What I Wish Developers Knew About Writing Applications for SQL Server 2005 (14 July 2006)

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UPDATED: SQL Server 2005 Query Plan Webcast (20 March 2006)

Presentation: What I Wish Developers Knew About SQL Server (17 November 2005)

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