By Bill Graziano on 19 May 2002 | Tags: Yaks
This is kind of a reference sites for yaks. Kind of an Encyclopedia Galactica of Yaks if you will.
Link: The Wild Yak
Yaks, Yak, Yakmeat, Gourmet Exotic Yak meat, Delyaks, Montrose, Colorado, USA (22 February 2004)
Yampa Valley Yaks (30 May 2000)
I have a sql query which returns a sum of total amount by user and I am trying to add another column which uses the total and multiply it by a number (23h)
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Negative effects of High VLF counts (11d)
Need to return a value that indicates that a record has been added, but not when a record is modified (12d)
Indexex on low cardinality fields (13d)
Error in stored procedure (13d)
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