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 Using SQL Server Project (Assembly) and ClickOnce

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Starting Member

15 Posts

Posted - 2009-10-15 : 15:38:39
I have a large client side or "Think Client" .NET application that uses SQL Server Express. I also deploy my client side app using Click Once Deployment

I just started using a SQL Server Project (Assmbly) for Managed Code with the CLR and my database. I want to start using this technology for Store Proces and UDFs.

The project builds and deploys (from VS 2008) to my default or tesing database (that is plugged into the project properties)... but i can not find out how to deploy my SQL Server Project Assmbly through Click Once and on out to my client side computers (which all have different SQL Instance names, USNs, and Passwords)

Anybody know how to do this?


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