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 Difference between columns

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Posting Yak Master

221 Posts

Posted - 2011-03-22 : 05:24:25

I have a table
aspnet_membership and tbl_country

aspnet_membership the column UserId uniqueidentifier primary key, and tbl_country ID primarykey autoinc int.

Parent table aspnet_membership:
UserId uniqueidentifier primary key

Child table tbl_country
ID primarykey autoinc int, UserId uniqueidentifier primary key

What is the difference:

Parent table aspnet_membership
UserId uniqueidentifier primary key Relationship With Child table tbl_country UserId uniqueidentifier primary key

Parent table aspnet_membership
UserId uniqueidentifier primary key Relationship With Child table tbl_country UserId uniqueidentifier Foreign key.

Is there any difference?

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