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 MS Access from external database

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Yak Posting Veteran

71 Posts

Posted - 2011-08-22 : 18:56:36
I'm trying to create an updater for a database I created for a client. Obviously, this would be easier if I just split the database, thus making this unecessary, but the client wants the whole thing (data & objects/code)for each of his clients in one mdb. He just makes copies of the master mdb and changes the necessary info, but then if we find a bug, we have to update each mdb.

It would be nice if I could just drop all the tables, and import the new ones, but relationship restrictions prevent it on one of the tables.

Here's the code:

(the parameters are supplied by a file dialog selection)


Public Function fnUpdate(varMaster As Variant, varTarget As Variant) As Boolean
Dim stTargetFile, stTargetPath, stNewFilename As String

'Isolate the path
stTargetPath = Left$(varTarget, InStrRev(varTarget, "\"))

'Isolate the filename
stTargetFile = Mid$(varTarget, InStrRev(varTarget, "\") + 1)

'Strip the extension from the filename
stTargetNoExt = Left$(stTargetFile, InStrRev(stTargetFile, ".") - 1)

'Get the version number (stVersion) from the version table in the Master
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Max([versionID]) AS [maxVersion] " _
& "FROM [tblVersion] IN '" & varMaster & "';"
Set db = CurrentDb
'Debug.Print strSQL
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
stVersion = rs!maxVersion
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

'Create a new filename for the updated version
stNewFilename = stTargetPath & stTargetNoExt & "_" & stVersion & ".mdb"
'copy the new master, Using the target file name and the new version number
FileCopy varMaster, stNewFilename

'update the only record in the employer table in the new file from the employer table in the old (target) file

Set db = OpenDatabase(stNewFilename)
strSQL = "UPDATE Employer SET EmpName, ProgName, ProgNum, Address, Contact, Capacity, Telephone, " & _
"Training, PaidRCL, ActualOcc, FYStart, FYEnd " & vbCrLf & _
"(SELECT EmpName, ProgName, ProgNum, Address, Contact, Capacity, Telephone, " & _
"Training, PaidRCL, ActualOcc, FYStart, FYEnd " & vbCrLf & _
"FROM Employer IN '" & varTarget & "' WHERE EmployerID = 1) " & vbCrLf & _
"WHERE EmployerID = 1; "
Debug.Print strSQL
db.Execute strSQL
Set db = Nothing

fnUpdate = True

End Function


There is something not right in the UPDATE statement, but I can't figure out what. Inner Join on EmployerID, maybe? Help! Thanks in advance!


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