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Posting Yak Master
165 Posts |
Posted - 2014-06-25 : 23:58:45
This query is very useful. But I want to change this query and display more information include display the text in which table and column fields. for example :(852) have found in 5 table and list 5 tables name and column fields. This change query purpose is check the data is store on right table with column fields and let us can make decision is it go to replace data or not. SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE @stringToFind VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @stringToReplace VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @schema sysname DECLARE @table sysname DECLARE @count INT DECLARE @sqlCommand VARCHAR(8000) DECLARE @where VARCHAR(8000) DECLARE @columnName sysname DECLARE @object_id INT SET @stringToFind = '(852)' SET @stringToReplace = '+852' DECLARE TAB_CURSOR CURSOR FOR SELECT B.NAME AS SCHEMANAME, A.NAME AS TABLENAME, A.OBJECT_ID FROM sys.objects A INNER JOIN sys.schemas B ON A.SCHEMA_ID = B.SCHEMA_ID WHERE TYPE = 'U' ORDER BY 1 OPEN TAB_CURSOR FETCH NEXT FROM TAB_CURSOR INTO @schema, @table, @object_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN DECLARE COL_CURSOR CURSOR FOR SELECT A.NAME FROM sys.columns A INNER JOIN sys.types B ON A.SYSTEM_TYPE_ID = B.SYSTEM_TYPE_ID WHERE OBJECT_ID = @object_id AND IS_COMPUTED = 0 AND B.NAME IN ('char','nchar','nvarchar','varchar','text','ntext') OPEN COL_CURSOR FETCH NEXT FROM COL_CURSOR INTO @columnName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @sqlCommand = 'UPDATE ' + @schema + '.' + @table + ' SET [' + @columnName + '] = REPLACE(convert(nvarchar(max),[' + @columnName + ']),''' + @stringToFind + ''',''' + @stringToReplace + ''')' SET @where = ' WHERE [' + @columnName + '] LIKE ''%' + @stringToFind + '%''' EXEC( @sqlCommand + @where) SET @count = @@ROWCOUNT IF @count > 0 BEGIN PRINT @sqlCommand + @where PRINT 'Updated: ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),@count) PRINT '----------------------------------------------------' END FETCH NEXT FROM COL_CURSOR INTO @columnName END CLOSE COL_CURSOR DEALLOCATE COL_CURSOR FETCH NEXT FROM TAB_CURSOR INTO @schema, @table, @object_id END CLOSE TAB_CURSOR DEALLOCATE TAB_CURSOR |