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Posted - 2015-04-08 : 13:20:35
We have multi-terabytes of ultrasound images stored on a NAS. One of our clinical users wants to bring in a new COTS application to manage them using SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise. I'm seeing out in the blogesphere that: 1) It can't be done, only local storage is allowed, 2) It can be done, but performance stinks, 3) Cleanup your data and store it locally... I won't respond to 3), but to say that's not going to happen. I don't believe 1), because someone did 2) and didn't like the results.
I've read the White-paper by Paul Randal, and I've emailed him about this exact issue. He doesn't know the answer either, so I'm looking for new information on how to do this. I would like to know the exact technique to enable SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise to utilize the FILESTREAM RBS Provider to access a NAS. The crux of the problem is when we add the file to the FILESTREAM filegroup with the statement:
ALTER DATABASE <database name> ADD FILE (Name = FSGroup1, FILENAME = '<PATH\FSData>') TO FILEGROUP FileStreamGroup1;
For the PATH, do we refer to a UNC, or map a drive? Do we need to enable Kerberos authentication when we open SMB port 445? Can we stick to native Microsoft products for RBS, or is there a 3rd party product that would better suited to this purpose? Any advice or recommendations would be appreciated.
Brandon Forest
SQL Server DBA
UC Davis Medical Center - IT
SQL Server DBA

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