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20 Posts |
Posted - 2005-12-21 : 22:42:59
Hey Guys. I just wanted to thank everyone for all their help, especially TG - One with the OptimizerI found this article on MSDN Mag and wanted to do a special case. This code (with these modificaitons) will write your Insert stored procedures for you if you pass in the table name,secondary key name, and the secondary key ID (if a secondary key is needed), and will return the PrimaryKeyID from the generated stored procedure.You have the option to execute the SP after generating it.You have the option to insert 1 value for one field (if the table doesn't require a SecondaryKeyID).No input parameters are required to generate the new SP.Read the article for more details.[url][/url]Here are the modifications to the Insert Procedure... Happy coding----Here's how to call this SP. Copy and paste the following commented text into the Query Analyzer and select Edit, Advanced, Remove Comments from the window menu.----This is the variable that will accept the OUTPUT value (in VB it would be used like this: myVariable = MyCommand.Execute)--DECLARE @id int----This calls the SP---Input parameters explanation: ----@sTableName = [The name of your table, Required] ----@bExecute [Execute the new stored procedure after generating it? Optional, 1=Yes, 0 or omitted = No. Default = 0) ----@FieldName [Optional if SecondaryKeyID is not required, Required if it is. Can be any field name if SecondaryKeyID is not required, Default ''] ----@FieldValueInt [Optional ifSecondaryKeyID is not required. Required if it is. Default = 0] ----@FieldValueVar [Optional. Used if SecondaryKeyID is not required and you need to enter text into your @FieldName field. Default = ''] ----@intOut = @id OUTPUT [Required. Returns the PrimaryKeyID for the row affected. See instructions below for use in the calling SQL]--EXEC usp__SYS_MakeInsertRecordProc--@sTableName = 'YourTableName',--@bExecute = 1,--@FieldName = 'YourTableField or the SecondaryID if it is required to make an insert in your table',--@FieldValueInt = 3, --an integer value if your field requires integers--@FieldValueVar = '', --a VarChar field if your field accepts text--@intOut = @id OUTPUT ----Display the output value we captured--SELECT @id [Enter Your Primary Key Field Name Here]CREATE PROC usp__SYS_MakeInsertRecordProc @sTableName varchar(128), @bExecute bit = 0, @FieldName varchar(50) = '', @FieldValueInt int = 0, @FieldValueVar varchar(128) = '', @IntOut int OUTPUT AS IF dbo.fnTableHasPrimaryKey(@sTableName) = 0 BEGIN RAISERROR ('Procedure cannot be created on a table without a primary key.', 10, 1) RETURN END DECLARE @sProcText varchar(8000), @sKeyFields varchar(2000), @sAllFields varchar(2000), @sAllParams varchar(2000), @sWhereClause varchar(2000), @sColumnName varchar(128), @nColumnID smallint, @bPrimaryKeyColumn bit, @nAlternateType int, @nColumnLength int, @nColumnPrecision int, @nColumnScale int, @IsNullable bit, @IsIdentity int, @HasIdentity int, @sTypeName varchar(128), @sDefaultValue varchar(4000), @sCRLF char(2), @sTAB char(1), @Id int SET @HasIdentity = 0SET @sTAB = char(9)SET @sCRLF = char(13) + char(10)SET @sProcText = ''SET @sKeyFields = ''SET @sAllFields = ''SET @sWhereClause = ''SET @sAllParams = ''SET @Id = 0SET @intOut = 0SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = ''usp_' + @sTableName + '_InsertAG'')' + @sCRLFSET @sProcText = @sProcText + @sTAB + 'DROP PROC usp_' + @sTableName + '_InsertAG' + @sCRLFIF @bExecute = 0 SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'GO' + @sCRLF SET @sProcText = @sProcText + @sCRLF PRINT @sProcTextIF @bExecute = 1 EXEC (@sProcText) SET @sProcText = '' SET @sProcText = @sProcText + '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' + @sCRLF SET @sProcText = @sProcText + '-- Insert a single record into ' + @sTableName + @sCRLF SET @sProcText = @sProcText + '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' + @sCRLF SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'CREATE PROC usp_' + @sTableName + '_InsertAG' + @sCRLF DECLARE crKeyFields cursor forSELECT *FROM dbo.fnTableColumnInfo(@sTableName)ORDER BY 2OPEN crKeyFieldsFETCH NEXT FROM crKeyFields INTO @sColumnName, @nColumnID, @bPrimaryKeyColumn, @nAlternateType, @nColumnLength, @nColumnPrecision, @nColumnScale, @IsNullable, @IsIdentity, @sTypeName, @sDefaultValue WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS = 0) BEGIN IF (@IsIdentity = 0) BEGIN IF (@sKeyFields <> '') SET @sKeyFields = @sKeyFields + ',' + @sCRLF SET @sKeyFields = @sKeyFields + @sTAB + '@' + @sColumnName + ' ' + @sTypeName IF (@sAllFields <> '') BEGIN SET @sAllParams = @sAllParams + ', ' SET @sAllFields = @sAllFields + ', ' END IF (@sTypeName = 'timestamp') SET @sAllParams = @sAllParams + 'NULL' ELSE IF (@sDefaultValue IS NOT NULL) SET @sAllParams = @sAllParams + 'COALESCE(@' + @sColumnName + ', ' + @sDefaultValue + ')' ELSE BEGIN SET @sAllParams = @sAllParams + '@' + @sColumnName END SET @sAllFields = @sAllFields + @sColumnName END ELSE BEGIN SET @HasIdentity = 1 END IF (@nAlternateType = 2) --decimal, numeric SET @sKeyFields = @sKeyFields + '(' + CAST(@nColumnPrecision AS varchar(3)) + ', ' + CAST(@nColumnScale AS varchar(3)) + ')' ELSE IF (@nAlternateType = 1) --character and binary SET @sKeyFields = @sKeyFields + '(' + CAST(@nColumnLength AS varchar(4)) + ')' IF (@IsIdentity = 0) BEGIN--******* ADD SPECIALIZED PROCESSING HERE FOR ANY INPUT PARAMETERS REQUIRED *******-- IF (@sColumnName = @FieldName) AND (@FieldValueInt <> 0) SET @sKeyFields = @sKeyFields + ' = ' + CAST(@FieldValueInt AS varchar(10)) ELSE IF (@sColumnName = @FieldName) AND (@FieldValueVar <> '') SET @sKeyFields = @sKeyFields + ' = ' + @FieldValueVar --******* END ADD SPECIALIZED PROCESSING **********-- ELSE IF (@sDefaultValue IS NOT NULL) OR (@IsNullable = 1) OR (@sTypeName = 'timestamp') SET @sKeyFields = @sKeyFields + ' = NULL' END FETCH NEXTFROM crKeyFieldsINTO @sColumnName, @nColumnID, @bPrimaryKeyColumn, @nAlternateType, @nColumnLength, @nColumnPrecision, @nColumnScale, @IsNullable, @IsIdentity, @sTypeName, @sDefaultValueEND CLOSE crKeyFieldsDEALLOCATE crKeyFieldsSET @sProcText = @sProcText + @sTAB + '@Id int OUTPUT,' + @sCRLF + @sKeyFields + @sCRLFSET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'AS' + @sCRLFSET @sProcText = @sProcText + @sCRLFSET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'INSERT ' + @sTableName + '(' + @sAllFields + ')' + @sCRLFSET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'VALUES (' + @sAllParams + ')' + @sCRLFSET @sProcText = @sProcText + @sCRLFIF (@HasIdentity = 1) BEGIN SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'SET @Id = (SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY())' + @sCRLF SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'IF @Id IS NULL' + @sCRLF + @sTAB SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'RETURN -1' + @sCRLF + 'ELSE' + @sCRLF + @sTAB SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'RETURN @Id' + @sCRLF SET @sProcText = @sProcText + @sCRLF ENDIF @bExecute = 0 SET @sProcText = @sProcText + 'GO' + @sCRLF PRINT @sProcTextIF @bExecute = 1 EXEC(@sProcText) --Adds the SP to the database and executes but without return value SET @sProcText = 'usp_' + @sTableName + '_InsertAG' EXEC @sProcText @id OUTPUT --Executes the generated SP and returns the PrimaryKey ID SET @intOut = @idGOThe Schickster<edit> Moved to Script Library </edit> |