Can't find their names on Google, so I can't say where I got this from I'm afraid.Untested!Edit: Found a link, but its not live anymore**** Karl Mortimer, John Thorpe*/-- Tested on SQL SERVER 7.0 & 2000-- Supports upto 16 column compound keys---- procedure to create 'create index...' statements and 'drop index...' statements for a given table-- option to include or exclude Primary keys and create 'alter table...' statements-- option to include or exclude Foreign Keys and create 'alter table...' statements-- excludes unique constraints (as these do not include indexing) and will not include-- sorted_data and sorted_data_reorg parameters to the statement-- as they must be specified manually. This means that if data needs-- to be sorted when the index is put on, a dbcc reindex must be-- executed for that table afterwards with the sorted_data / sorted_data_reorg-- parameters correctly set--if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.sp_IndexKeyText') and sysstat & 0xf = 4) drop procedure dbo.sp_IndexKeyTextGOcreate procedure sp_IndexKeyText@Options tinyint = 25, -- bitmap of options. First bit determines whether indexes are included -- Second bit determines whether primary keys are included -- Third bit determines whether foreign keys are included -- Fourth bit determines whether drop statements are scripted -- Fifth bit determines whether create statements are scripted -- Default bit 1 true for indexes only, bits 4 and 5 true for both to be scripted.@Tablename VARCHAR(50) = NULL --optional tablename to drop indexes on a given tableasset nocount onif @Options & 8 <> 8 AND @Options & 16 <> 16 --Both Create and Drop script options turned OFFbegin RAISERROR('Both drop and create scripting switched off, no output would be produced',10,1) RETURNendif @options = 0begin RAISERROR('All Index options turned off - no output will be produced',10,1) RETURNendif @Tablename is not nulland @Tablename not in (select name from sysobjects where type = 'U')begin RAISERROR('Invalid value given for @Tablename - table does not exist in current database',10,1) RETURNenddeclare @objid int /* the object id of the table */declare @indid int /* the index id of an index */declare @keys varchar(200) /* string to build up index key in */declare @inddesc varchar(68) /* string to build up index desc in */declare @dbname varchar(30), @primary BIT, @unique BIT, @clustered BIT, @fillfactor TINYINT, @ignoredupkey BIT, @allowduprow BIT, @ignoreduprow BIT, @location sysname, @index_name VARCHAR(30), @with VARCHAR(100), @IndexString VARCHAR(255), @objname VARCHAR(50), @Title varchar(30), @empty varchar(1), @groupid smallint, @ExecString varchar(200)select @empty = '' -- Empty string for concatenationcreate table #sysfilegroups( groupid smallint not null, allocpolicy smallint not null, status int not null, groupname sysname not null)select @ExecString = 'select * from '+DB_NAME(0)+'..sysfilegroups'insert into #sysfilegroupsexec (@ExecString)IF @Tablename is NULL BEGIN DECLARE CurTables CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' ORDER BY name ENDELSE BEGIN DECLARE CurTables CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name = @Tablename ORDER BY name ENDOPEN CurTablesFETCH NEXT FROM CurTables INTO @objnameCREATE TABLE #CREATE (description VARCHAR(255))CREATE TABLE #DROP (description VARCHAR(255))WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0BEGIN /* ** Check to see the the table exists and initialize @objid. */ select @objid = object_id(@objname) /* ** Table doesn't exist so return. */ if @objid is NULL begin GOTO NEXT_TABLE end /* ** See if the object has any indexes. ** Since there may be more than one entry in sysindexes for the object, ** this select will set @indid to the index id of the first index. */ select @indid = min(indid) from sysindexes where id = @objid and indid > 0 and indid < 255 /* ** If no indexes, return. */ if @indid is NULL begin GOTO NEXT_TABLE end set nocount on /* ** Now check out each index and figure out its type and keys */ while @indid IS NOT NULL begin select @primary = 0 /* ** See if the index is primary key constraint (0x800). */ if exists (select * from master.dbo.spt_values v, sysindexes i where i.status & v.number = v.number and v.type = 'I' and v.number = 2048 and = @objid and i.indid = @indid) BEGIN if @Options & 2 = 2 -- Primary Key Flag Set -- if primary key, set flag select @primary = 1 else GOTO Ignore_index END if @primary = 0 and @Options & 1 <> 1 GOTO Ignore_index /* ** See if the index is unique key constraint (0x1000). */ if exists (select * from master.dbo.spt_values v, sysindexes i where i.status & v.number = v.number and v.type = 'I' and v.number = 4096 and = @objid and i.indid = @indid) BEGIN -- if Unique key, ignore index GOTO Ignore_index END /* ** First we'll figure out what the keys are. */ declare @k int declare @thiskey varchar(30) declare @lastindid int select @k = 1 while @k <= 16 begin select @thiskey = index_col(@objname, @indid, @k) if @thiskey is null goto keysdone if @k = 1 select @keys = '['+index_col(@objname, @indid, @k)+']' else select @keys = @keys + ', ['+index_col(@objname, @indid, @k)+']' /* ** Increment @k so it will check for the next key. */ select @k = @k + 1 end /* ** When we get here we now have all the keys. */ keysdone: /* ** Initialize the index description by figuring out if it's a ** clustered or nonclustered index. */ if @indid = 1 select @clustered = 1 -- clustered if @indid > 1 select @clustered = 0 -- non-clustered /* ** Now we'll check out the status bits for this index and ** build an english description from them. */ /* ** See if the index is ignore_dupkey (0x01). */ if exists (select * from master.dbo.spt_values v, sysindexes i where i.status & v.number = v.number and v.type = 'I' and v.number = 1 and = @objid and i.indid = @indid) BEGIN SELECT @ignoredupkey = 1 END else BEGIN SELECT @ignoredupkey = 0 END /* ** See if the index is unique (0x02). */ if exists (select * from master.dbo.spt_values v, sysindexes i where i.status & v.number = v.number and v.type = 'I' and v.number = 2 and = @objid and i.indid = @indid) BEGIN SELECT @unique = 1 END else BEGIN SELECT @unique = 0 END /* ** Add the location of the data. */ select @location = fg.groupname from #sysfilegroups fg, sysindexes i where fg.groupid = i.groupid and = @objid and i.indid = @indid -- get the index_name and fillfactor select @index_name = name, @fillfactor = origfillfactor from sysindexes where id = @objid and indid = @indid -- set with clause SELECT @with = NULLIF('FILLFACTOR = '+CONVERT(VARCHAR,@fillfactor)+',', 'FILLFACTOR = 0,') select @with = case when @with is null then @empty else @with end +CASE @ignoredupkey WHEN 1 THEN 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY ' WHEN 0 THEN @empty END -- if @with clause contains anything add keyword 'WITH' to beginning of string IF @with <> @empty BEGIN SELECT @with = ' WITH '+@with END if @primary = 0 begin select @IndexString = NULLIF(' ON '+@Location, ' ON PRIMARY') select @IndexString = case when @IndexString is null then @empty else @IndexString end -- print create index statement out SELECT @IndexString = 'CREATE '+CASE @unique WHEN 1 THEN 'UNIQUE ' WHEN 0 THEN @empty END +CASE @clustered WHEN 1 THEN ' CLUSTERED ' WHEN 0 THEN ' NONCLUSTERED ' END +' INDEX ['+@index_name +'] ' +'ON ['+@objname+'] ('+@keys+')' +case when @with is null then @empty else @with end +@Indexstring end else begin select @IndexString = NULLIF('ON '+@Location, 'ON PRIMARY') select @IndexString = case when @IndexString is null then @empty else @IndexString end -- print alter table statement out select @IndexString = 'ALTER TABLE ['+@objname+'] ADD CONSTRAINT ['+@index_name+'] PRIMARY KEY ' +CASE @clustered WHEN 1 THEN 'CLUSTERED ' WHEN 0 THEN 'NONCLUSTERED ' END +'('+@keys+')' +case when @with is null then @empty else @with end +@IndexString end IF @Options & 16 = 16 --create flag ON BEGIN SELECT @IndexString = @IndexString + CHAR(13)+'GO'+CHAR(13)+CHAR(13) INSERT INTO #CREATE(description) VALUES (@IndexString) END IF @Options & 8 = 8 --drop flag ON BEGIN if @primary = 0 SELECT @IndexString = 'DROP index ['+@objname+'].['+@index_name+']' else SELECT @IndexString = 'ALTER TABLE ['+@objname+'] DROP CONSTRAINT ['+@index_name+']' SELECT @IndexString = @IndexString + CHAR(13)+'GO'+CHAR(13)+CHAR(13) INSERT INTO #DROP(description) VALUES (@IndexString) END ignore_index: /* ** Now move @indid to the next index. */ select @lastindid = @indid select @indid = NULL select @indid = min(indid) from sysindexes where id = @objid and indid > @lastindid and indid < 255 end NEXT_TABLE: FETCH NEXT FROM CurTables INTO @objnameEND -- WHILE loop/* ** Now print out the contents of the temporary index table. */SET nocount onIF @Options & 8 = 8 --drop flag ONbegin if @Options & 2 = 2 AND @Options & 1 = 1 SELECT description AS 'Index / Primary Key Drops' FROM #drop if @Options & 2 <> 2 AND @Options & 1 = 1 SELECT description AS 'Index Drops' FROM #drop if @Options & 2 = 2 AND @Options & 1 <> 1 SELECT description AS 'Primary Key Drops' FROM #dropendIF @Options & 16 = 16 --create flag ONbegin if @Options & 2 = 2 AND @Options & 1 = 1 SELECT description AS 'Index / Primary Key Creates' FROM #create if @Options & 2 <> 2 AND @Options & 1 = 1 SELECT description AS 'Index Creates' FROM #create if @Options & 2 = 2 AND @Options & 1 <> 1 SELECT description AS 'Primary Key Creates' FROM #createendCLOSE CurTablesDEALLOCATE CurTablesdrop table #createdrop table #dropset nocount off/* *** Foreign Key code generation */IF @Options & 4 = 4 -- Foreign Key flag ONbegin SET nocount on IF @Options & 8 = 8 --drop flag ON begin select 'Foreign Key drops' = 'alter table ['+object_name(fkeyid)+']'+char(13) +'drop constraint ['+object_name(constid)+']'+char(13)+char(13)+'GO'+char(13)+char(13) from sysreferences where OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid) like isnull(@Tablename,'%') order by object_name(fkeyid) end IF @Options & 16 = 16 --create flag ON begin select 'Foreign Key creates' = 'alter table ['+object_name(fkeyid)+'] '+char(13) +'add constraint ['+object_name(constid)+'] ' +'Foreign key(['']' +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +')'+char(13) +'references ['+object_name(rkeyid)+'] (['']' +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +case when is null then @empty else '['']' end +')'+char(13) +char(13) from sysreferences, syscolumns c1, syscolumns c2, syscolumns c3, syscolumns c4, syscolumns c5, syscolumns c6, syscolumns c7, syscolumns c8, syscolumns c9, syscolumns c10, syscolumns c11, syscolumns c12, syscolumns c13, syscolumns c14, syscolumns c15, syscolumns c16, syscolumns f1, syscolumns f2, syscolumns f3, syscolumns f4, syscolumns f5, syscolumns f6, syscolumns f7, syscolumns f8, syscolumns f9, syscolumns f10, syscolumns f11, syscolumns f12, syscolumns f13, syscolumns f14, syscolumns f15, syscolumns f16 WHERE c1.colid =* rkey1 AND =* rkeyid AND c2.colid =* rkey2 AND =* rkeyid AND c3.colid =* rkey3 AND =* rkeyid AND c4.colid =* rkey4 AND =* rkeyid AND c5.colid =* rkey5 AND =* rkeyid AND c6.colid =* rkey6 AND =* rkeyid AND c7.colid =* rkey7 AND =* rkeyid AND c8.colid =* rkey8 AND =* rkeyid AND c9.colid =* rkey9 AND =* rkeyid AND c10.colid =* rkey10 AND =* rkeyid AND c11.colid =* rkey11 AND =* rkeyid AND c12.colid =* rkey12 AND =* rkeyid AND c13.colid =* rkey13 AND =* rkeyid AND c14.colid =* rkey14 AND =* rkeyid AND c15.colid =* rkey15 AND =* rkeyid AND c16.colid =* rkey16 AND =* rkeyid AND f1.colid =* fkey1 AND =* fkeyid AND f2.colid =* fkey2 AND =* fkeyid AND f3.colid =* fkey3 AND =* fkeyid AND f4.colid =* fkey4 AND =* fkeyid AND f5.colid =* fkey5 AND =* fkeyid AND f6.colid =* fkey6 AND =* fkeyid AND f7.colid =* fkey7 AND =* fkeyid AND f8.colid =* fkey8 AND =* fkeyid AND f9.colid =* fkey9 AND =* fkeyid AND f10.colid =* fkey10 AND =* fkeyid AND f11.colid =* fkey11 AND =* fkeyid AND f12.colid =* fkey12 AND =* fkeyid AND f13.colid =* fkey13 AND =* fkeyid AND f14.colid =* fkey14 AND =* fkeyid AND f15.colid =* fkey15 AND =* fkeyid AND f16.colid =* fkey16 AND =* fkeyid AND OBJECT_NAME(rkeyid) like isnull(@Tablename,'%') end SET nocount offenddrop table #sysfilegroupsset nocount offreturngo