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Starting Member
4 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 15:44:26
A rouge 6.5 DB was brought to my attention a few weeks ago. We can't upgrade until we solve some corruption issues. We're receiving the listed message after running a DBCC NEWALLOC. We're not sure but we believe the corruption is with a primary key. We can't drop the primary key without of course, first dropping all the foreign keys. ALLOW_DATA_LOSS wasn't introduced until 7.0. Rebuilding the indexes doesn't fix the problem. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to fix this corruption? Any help is appreciated. Restoring isn't an option as this corruption exists in the oldest backup we have...thanks in advance************TABLE: ABS_PAT_INSURANCES OBJID = 204527762INDID=1 FIRST=4041968 ROOT=4039657 DPAGES=14304 SORT=0Msg 2525, Level 16, State 1Table Corrupt: Object id wrong; tables: alloc page 4036864 extent id=4036880 l page#=4036880 objid in ext=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES) objid in page=348528275 (name = ABS_PAT_MAIN)objid in sysindexes=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES)Data level: 1. 0 Data Pages in 1789 extents.INDID=2 FIRST=3926064 ROOT=3917574 DPAGES=4305 SORT=1Msg 2525, Level 16, State 1Table Corrupt: Object id wrong; tables: alloc page 3926016 extent id=3926064 l page#=3926064 objid in ext=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES) objid in page=348528275 (name = ABS_PAT_MAIN)objid in sysindexes=204527762 (name = ABS_PAT_INSURANCES)TOTAL # of extents = 1789 |
Yak with Vast SQL Skills
899 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 16:30:40
Here's an answer from some buddies in PSS - hope this helps:6.5 was mostly about copy data out, drop object and move on. Not much to repairing the extent to the object mismatch. Be careful because normal drop of the object can often drop other objects because it runs chains and does not check ids in most cases. If you can deref the object from sysindexes, syscolumns and sysobjects you can repair the allocation problems. FKs are going to kick you in the pants a bit. Fastest Way Rebuild extents might work if you cross your fingers as long as page chains are okay If not try to use the old database transfer wizard and suck out as much as possible and move onOther wayCopy out the data (BCP usually the best) or select INFO another DB, not same one or allocation corruption can lead to more if you know what I mean.Script out the schema for the tableHand drop the objectdbcc rebuildextents – I think was the commandReload the objectPaul RandalLead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine(Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.) |
Aged Yak Warrior
771 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 16:31:33
Man, the memories of these.Can you BCP the data out of the existing ABS_PAT_INSURANCES table? Or select * into a new table? If you can, you can try to create a new copy of the table, then do the sp_rename switch. This will naturally require re-doing the foreign keys, but it looks like you wil be stuck with that, anyway. |
Starting Member
4 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 16:49:31
Thanks for the tips.I don't think extracting the data is an option. A select * errors out after a few rows and select count(*) returns:Msg 605, Level 21, State 1Attempt to fetch logical page 3924872 in database 'datarepo' belongs to object 'ABS_PAT_MAIN', not to object 'ABS_PAT_INSURANCES'.The SQL Server is terminating this process.Please don't tell me this table is toast... |
Yak with Vast SQL Skills
899 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-02 : 17:22:19
Yes, looks like its toast. Can you extract up to the broken point and then from that point afterwards (i.e. by working out what key values are on the broken page and working around them?)Paul RandalLead Program Manager, Microsoft SQL Server Storage Engine(Legalese: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.) |
Starting Member
4 Posts |
Posted - 2005-11-03 : 15:59:54
toast...never liked that word...Any recommendations on how to find the foreign keys that connect to these tables? |