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Posted - 2006-04-12 : 09:26:41
Marco writes "Hi,I've a problem with a corrupted sql server 2005 database. The mdf file has a CRC error and I'm trying to recover the data.I opened the MDF with a streamReader in Unicode mode and I'm recovering the data.The problem is that I can't understand all bytes in each row because I don't know how sql server saves data.The table is in this way:ID (PK, bigint, not null)Email (nvarchar(150), not null, UK)Supplier (bit, not null)Anonymous (bit, not null)ContactUs (bit, not null)Valid (bit, not null)Date (smalldatetime, not null)Blocked (bit, not null)Code (nvarchar(10), not null)BlockedDate (smalldatetime, null)DomID (FK, int, null)Reg (bit, null)I have no problem to recover the nvarchar fields because it is very easy to view how they are saved, but I can't understand where the bit values are true or false.May you tell me how is saved each row in the MDF files?For example a row saved in unicode in this way:?Sjbma@zjedu.orga186e2c4580궅 ⴃ䈀涗愀묀佃ఀ ˶䴀愀樀椀渀猀栀愀渀䀀搀礀樀椀渀猀栀愀渀⸀挀漀洀㔀昀㔀愀戀㐀㘀挀㤀攀 ᤀ蘀Ⴍ ̀-靂ns읃what does it means? Probably the first 4 unicode chars is the bigint, the other are surely email and code, but after that I can't understand any more.May you help me with some suggestions?Thanks very much." |
12543 Posts |
Posted - 2006-04-12 : 11:28:26
Have a look at shows how things were stored for v2000 - don't know if v2005 is similar.==========================================Cursors are useful if you don't know sql.DTS can be used in a similar way.Beer is not cold and it isn't fizzy. |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2006-04-12 : 11:49:26
"I opened the MDF with a streamReader in Unicode mode and I'm recovering the data"Blimey, that sounds like hard work - or is it actually more straightforward than I'm imagining?Kristen |