So I needed to add 2 columns to about 20 tables. Not much and I could have easily wrote a script for each table. But thats boring. So I started searching around.I found up with this from this post 'Alter table '+table_name+' Add yourcol datatype' from information_schema.tableswhere table_name<>'dtProperties'
Cool but I wanted it to run and execute at once, not just create the scripts. The only way I could think was is with a cursor. Something I didn't want to do. But did anyway. I came up with this.DECLARE Alter_tables_cursor CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name<>'dtProperties' and table_type<>'VIEW'OPEN Alter_tables_cursorDECLARE @tablename sysnameFETCH NEXT FROM Alter_tables_cursor INTO @tablenameWHILE ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )BEGIN PRINT 'Alter table '+@tablename+' Add ModifiedBy int, ModifiedOn datetime' EXEC('Alter table '+@tablename+' Add ModifiedBy int, ModifiedOn datetime') FETCH NEXT FROM Alter_tables_cursor INTO @tablename ENDPRINT 'All user-defined tables have been Altered.'DEALLOCATE Alter_tables_cursor
I'm sure there are better ways. If so post them.