Hello,I have the following code inside one of my groups on my report.=IIf(Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "VendorId" AND Fields!VendorId.Value = 7, Fields!VendorName.Value, "LSU Total for Lending Tree")
How do I get it to recognize the following set of parameters? I have tried adding a group to the same group.=UCASE(Switch(Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Company", Fields!Company.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Business Channel", Fields!SGDescription.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value="Division", Fields!BranchDivision.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value="Region", Fields!BranchRegion.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Branch", Fields!Branch.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value= "Satellite", Fields!BranchSatId.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "LO", Fields!LO.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "State",Fields!State.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Report Group", Fields!BranchTranType.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Campaign", Fields!Campaign.Value, Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Company", Fields!Company.Value, Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Source Group", Fields!SourceGroupCode.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Lead Type", Fields!LeadTypeId.Value,Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Vendor", Fields!VendorId.Value, Parameters!SummaryBy3.Value = "Date Received", Fields!DateReceived.Value.toString() ))
I am trying to get the code above to break properly. In other words I need it to summarize on each group whether it is one page long or a page and a half long. Right now it prints on every page.Any help is greatly appreciated.Have a great day everyone!Kurt