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Posted - 2002-03-06 : 06:37:08
Disgruntled with Soundex I went looking for a better phonetic matching algorithm.Turns out there is a rather good one called Metaphone, which comes in two variants (Simple and Double)I could find the source for this in C++, but I wanted to have it as a user function.So here it is:CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Metaphone(@str as varchar(70))RETURNS varchar (25) /* Metaphone Algorithm Created by Lawrence Philips. Metaphone presented in article in "Computer Language" December 1990 issue. Translated into t-SQL by Keith Henry ( *********** BEGIN METAPHONE RULES *********** Lawrence Philips' RULES follow: The 16 consonant sounds: |--- ZERO represents "th" | B X S K J T F H L M N P R 0 W Y Drop vowels Exceptions: Beginning of word: "ae-", "gn", "kn-", "pn-", "wr-" ----> drop first letter Beginning of word: "x" ----> change to "s" Beginning of word: "wh-" ----> change to "w" Beginning of word: vowel ----> Keep it Transformations: B ----> B unless at the end of word after "m", as in "dumb", "McComb" C ----> X (sh) if "-cia-" or "-ch-" S if "-ci-", "-ce-", or "-cy-" SILENT if "-sci-", "-sce-", or "-scy-" K otherwise, including in "-sch-" D ----> J if in "-dge-", "-dgy-", or "-dgi-" T otherwise F ----> F G ----> SILENT if in "-gh-" and not at end or before a vowel in "-gn" or "-gned" in "-dge-" etc., as in above rule J if before "i", or "e", or "y" if not double "gg" K otherwise H ----> SILENT if after vowel and no vowel follows or after "-ch-", "-sh-", "-ph-", "-th-", "-gh-" H otherwise J ----> J K ----> SILENT if after "c" K otherwise L ----> L M ----> M N ----> N P ----> F if before "h" P otherwise Q ----> K R ----> R S ----> X (sh) if before "h" or in "-sio-" or "-sia-" S otherwise T ----> X (sh) if "-tia-" or "-tio-" 0 (th) if before "h" silent if in "-tch-" T otherwise V ----> F W ----> SILENT if not followed by a vowel W if followed by a vowel X ----> KS Y ----> SILENT if not followed by a vowel Y if followed by a vowel Z ----> S */ASBEGINDeclare @Result varchar(25), @str3 char(3), @str2 char(2), @str1 char(1), @strp char(1), @strLen tinyint, @cnt tinyintset @strLen = len(@str)set @cnt = 1set @Result = ''--Process beginning exceptionsset @str2 = left(@str,2)if @str2 in ('ae', 'gn', 'kn', 'pn', 'wr') begin set @str = right(@str , @strLen - 1) set @strLen = @strLen - 1 endif @str2 = 'wh' begin set @str = 'w' + right(@str , @strLen - 2) set @strLen = @strLen - 1 endset @str1 = left(@str,1)if @str1 = 'x' begin set @str = 's' + right(@str , @strLen - 1) endif @str1 in ('a','e','i','o','u') begin set @str = right(@str , @strLen - 1) set @strLen = @strLen - 1 set @Result = @str1 endwhile @cnt <= @strLen begin set @str1 = substring(@str,@cnt,1) if @cnt <> 1 set @strp = substring(@str,(@cnt-1),1) else set @strp = ' ' if @strp <> @str1 begin set @str2 = substring(@str,@cnt,2) if @str1 in ('f','j','l','m','n','r') set @Result = @Result + @str1 if @str1 = 'q' set @Result = @Result + 'k' if @str1 = 'v' set @Result = @Result + 'f' if @str1 = 'x' set @Result = @Result + 'ks' if @str1 = 'z' set @Result = @Result + 's' if @str1 = 'b' if @cnt = @strLen if substring(@str,(@cnt - 1),1) <> 'm' set @Result = @Result + 'b' else set @Result = @Result + 'b' if @str1 = 'c' if @str2 = 'ch' or substring(@str,@cnt,3) = 'cia' set @Result = @Result + 'x' else if @str2 in ('ci','ce','cy') and @strp <> 's' set @Result = @Result + 's' else set @Result = @Result + 'k' if @str1 = 'd' if substring(@str,@cnt,3) in ('dge','dgy','dgi') set @Result = @Result + 'j' else set @Result = @Result + 't' if @str1 = 'g' if substring(@str,(@cnt - 1),3) not in ('dge','dgy','dgi','dha','dhe','dhi','dho','dhu') if @str2 in ('gi', 'ge','gy') set @Result = @Result + 'j' else if (@str2 <> 'gn') or ((@str2 <> 'gh') and ((@cnt + 1) <> @strLen)) set @Result = @Result + 'k' if @str1 = 'h' if (@strp not in ('a','e','i','o','u')) and (@str2 not in ('ha','he','hi','ho','hu')) if @strp not in ('c','s','p','t','g') set @Result = @Result + 'h' if @str1 = 'k' if @strp <> 'c' set @Result = @Result + 'k' if @str1 = 'p' if @str2 = 'ph' set @Result = @Result + 'f' else set @Result = @Result + 'p' if @str1 = 's' if substring(@str,@cnt,3) in ('sia','sio') or @str2 = 'sh' set @Result = @Result + 'x' else set @Result = @Result + 's' if @str1 = 't' if substring(@str,@cnt,3) in ('tia','tio') set @Result = @Result + 'x' else if @str2 = 'th' set @Result = @Result + '0' else if substring(@str,@cnt,3) <> 'tch' set @Result = @Result + 't' if @str1 = 'w' if @str2 not in('wa','we','wi','wo','wu') set @Result = @Result + 'w' if @str1 = 'y' if @str2 not in('ya','ye','yi','yo','yu') set @Result = @Result + 'y' end set @cnt = @cnt + 1 end RETURN @ResultEND K e i t h H e n r yEdited by - khenry on 03/06/2002 06:41:15 |
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 2002-03-06 : 06:39:11
And here is the improved double metaphone function (very big):CREATE FUNCTION dbo.DoubleMetaPhone (@str varchar(70))RETURNS char(10)ASBEGIN /*######################################################################### Double Metaphone Phonetic Matching Function This reduces word to approximate phonetic string. This is deliberately not a direct phonetic Based off original C++ code and algorithm by Lawrence Philips ( Published in the C/C++ Users Journal: Original Metaphone presented in article in "Computer Language" in 1990. Reduces alphabet to The 14 constonant sounds: "sh" "p"or"b" "th" | | | X S K J T F H L M N P R 0 W Drop vowels except at the beginning Produces a char(10) string. The left(@result,5) gives the most common pronouciation, right(@result,5) gives the commonest alternate. Translated into t-SQL by Keith Henry ( #########################################################################*/ Declare @original varchar(70), @primary varchar(70), @secondary varchar(70), @length int, @last int, @current int, @strcur1 char(1) , @strnext1 char(1) , @strprev1 char(1), @SlavoGermanic bit set @SlavoGermanic = 0 set @primary = '' set @secondary = '' set @current = 1 set @length = len(@str) set @last = @length set @original = isnull(@str,'') + ' ' set @original = upper(@original) if patindex('%[WK]%',@str) + charindex('CZ',@str) + charindex('WITZ',@str) <> 0 set @SlavoGermanic = 1 -- skip this at beginning of word if substring(@original, 1, 2) in ('GN', 'KN', 'PN', 'WR', 'PS') set @current = @current + 1 -- Initial 'X' is pronounced 'Z' e.g. 'Xavier' if substring(@original, 1, 1) = 'X' begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' -- 'Z' maps to 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' set @current = @current + 1 end if substring(@original, 1, 1) in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') begin set @primary = @primary + 'A' -- all init vowels now map to 'A' set @secondary = @secondary + 'A' set @current = @current + 1 end while @current <= @length begin if len(@primary) >= 5 break set @strcur1 = substring(@original, @current, 1) set @strnext1 = substring(@original, (@current + 1), 1) set @strprev1 = substring(@original, (@current - 1), 1) if @strcur1 in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') set @current = @current + 1 else if @strcur1 = 'B' -- '-mb', e.g. 'dumb', already skipped over ... begin set @primary = @primary + 'P' set @secondary = @secondary + 'P' if @strnext1 = 'B' set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'Ç' begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'C' begin if @strnext1 = 'H' begin if substring(@original, @current, 4) = 'CHIA' -- italian 'chianti' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end else begin if @current > 1 -- find 'michael' and substring(@original, @current, 4) = 'CHAE' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' end else begin if @current = 1 -- greek roots e.g. 'chemistry', 'chorus' and (substring(@original, @current + 1, 5) in ('HARAC', 'HARIS') or substring(@original, @current + 1, 3) in ('HOR', 'HYM', 'HIA', 'HEM') ) and substring(@original, 1, 5) <> 'CHORE' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end else begin if ( substring(@original, 0, 4) in ('VAN ', 'VON ') -- germanic, greek, or otherwise 'ch' for 'kh' sound or substring(@original, 0, 3) = 'SCH' ) or substring(@original, @current - 2, 6) in ('ORCHES', 'ARCHIT', 'ORCHID') -- 'architect' but not 'arch', orchestra', 'orchid' or substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) in ('T', 'S') or ( ( @strprev1 in ('A','O','U','E') or @current = 0 ) and substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) in ('L','R','N','M','B','H','F','V','W',' ') -- e.g. 'wachtler', 'weschsler', but not 'tichner' ) begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end else begin if (@current > 1) begin if substring(@original, 1, 2) = 'MC' -- e.g. 'McHugh' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' end end end end end set @current = @current + 2 end --ch logic else begin if @strnext1 = 'C' -- double 'C', but not McClellan' and not(@current = 1 and substring(@original, 1, 1) = 'M' ) begin if substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) in ('I','E','H') -- 'bellocchio' but not 'bacchus' and substring(@original, @current + 2, 2) <> 'HU' begin if ( @current = 2 -- 'accident', 'accede', 'succeed' and @strprev1 = 'A' ) or substring(@original, @current - 1, 5) in ('UCCEE', 'UCCES') begin set @primary = @primary + 'KS' set @secondary = @secondary + 'KS' end else begin -- 'bacci', 'bertucci', other italian set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' -- e.g. 'focaccia' if substring(@original, @current, 4) = 'CCIA' end set @current = @current + 3 end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' -- Pierce's rule set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' set @current = @current + 2 end end else begin if @strnext1 in ('K','G','Q') begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if @strnext1 in ('I','E','Y') begin if substring(@original, @current, 3) in ('CIO','CIE','CIA') -- italian vs. english begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' end set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if @strnext1 = 'Z' -- e.g. 'czerny' and substring(@original, @current -2, 4) <> 'WICZ' begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if @current > 2 -- various gremanic and substring(@original, @current - 2,1) not in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') and substring(@original, @current - 1, 3) = 'ACH' and ((substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) <> 'I') and ((substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) <> 'E') or substring(@original, @current - 2, 6) in ('BACHER', 'MACHER') ) ) begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if @current = 1 -- special case 'caesar' and substring(@original, @current, 6) = 'CAESAR' begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin -- final else set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' if substring(@original, @current + 1, 2) in (' C',' Q',' G') -- name sent in 'mac caffrey', 'mac gregor' set @current = @current + 3 else set @current = @current + 1 end end end end end end end end else if @strcur1 = 'D' begin if substring(@original, @current, 2) = 'DG' begin if substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) in ('I','E','Y') begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' -- e.g. 'edge' set @secondary = @secondary + 'J' set @current = @current + 3 end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'TK' -- e.g. 'edgar' set @secondary = @secondary + 'TK' set @current = @current + 2 end end else begin if substring(@original, @current, 2) in ('DT','DD') begin set @primary = @primary + 'T' set @secondary = @secondary + 'T' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'T' set @secondary = @secondary + 'T' set @current = @current + 1 end end end else if @strcur1 = 'F' begin set @primary = @primary + 'F' set @secondary = @secondary + 'F' if (@strnext1 = 'F') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'G' begin if (@strnext1 = 'H') begin if @current > 1 and @strprev1 not in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end else begin if not( (@current > 2 -- Parker's rule (with some further refinements) - e.g. 'hugh' and substring(@original, @current - 2, 1) in ('B','H','D') ) -- e.g. 'bough' or (@current > 3 and substring(@original, @current - 3, 1) in ('B','H','D') ) -- e.g. 'broughton' or (@current > 4 and substring(@original, @current - 4, 1) in ('B','H') ) ) begin if @current > 3 -- e.g. 'laugh', 'McLaughlin', 'cough', 'gough', 'rough', 'tough' and @strprev1 = 'U' and substring(@original, @current - 3, 1) in ('C','G','L','R','T') begin set @primary = @primary + 'F' set @secondary = @secondary + 'F' end else begin if @current > 1 and @strprev1 <> 'I' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end else begin if (@current < 4) begin if (@current = 1) -- 'ghislane', 'ghiradelli' begin if (substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) = 'I') begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + 'J' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end end end end end end end set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if (@strnext1 = 'N') begin if @current = 1 and substring(@original, 0,1) in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') and @SlavoGermanic = 0 begin set @primary = @primary + 'KN' set @secondary = @secondary + 'N' end else begin -- not e.g. 'cagney' if substring(@original, @current + 2, 2) = 'EY' and (@strnext1 <> 'Y') and @SlavoGermanic = 0 begin set @primary = @primary + 'N' set @secondary = @secondary + 'KN' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'KN' set @secondary = @secondary + 'KN' end end set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if substring(@original, @current + 1, 2) = 'LI' -- 'tagliaro' and @SlavoGermanic = 0 begin set @primary = @primary + 'KL' set @secondary = @secondary + 'L' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if @current = 1 -- -ges-, -gep-, -gel- at beginning and (@strnext1 = 'Y' or substring(@original, @current + 1, 2) in ('ES','EP','EB','EL','EY','IB','IL','IN','IE', 'EI','ER') ) begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'J' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if (substring(@original, @current + 1, 2) = 'ER' -- -ger-, -gy- or @strnext1 = 'Y' ) and substring(@original, 1, 6) not in ('DANGER','RANGER','MANGER') and @strprev1 not in ('E', 'I') and substring(@original, @current - 1, 3) not in ('RGY','OGY') begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'J' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if @strnext1 in ('E','I','Y') -- italian e.g. 'biaggi' or substring(@original, @current -1, 4) in ('AGGI','OGGI') begin if (substring(@original, 1, 4) in ('VAN ', 'VON ') -- obvious germanic or substring(@original, 1, 3) = 'SCH' ) or substring(@original, @current + 1, 2) = 'ET' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end else begin -- always soft if french ending if substring(@original, @current + 1, 4) = 'IER ' begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + 'J' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' end end set @current = @current + 2 end else begin -- other options exausted call it k sound set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' if (@strnext1 = 'G') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end end end end end end end else if @strcur1 = 'H' begin if (@current = 0 -- only keep if first & before vowel or btw. 2 vowels or @strprev1 in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') ) and @strnext1 in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') begin set @primary = @primary + 'H' set @secondary = @secondary + 'H' set @current = @current + 2 end else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'J' begin if substring(@original, @current, 4) = 'JOSE' -- obvious spanish, 'jose', 'san jacinto' or substring(@original, 1, 4) = 'SAN ' begin if (@current = 1 and substring(@original, @current + 4, 1) = ' ' ) or substring(@original, 1, 4) = 'SAN ' begin set @primary = @primary + 'H' set @secondary = @secondary + 'H' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + 'H' end set @current = @current + 1 end else begin if @current = 1 begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' -- Yankelovich/Jankelowicz set @secondary = @secondary + 'A' set @current = @current + 1 end else begin if @strprev1 in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') -- spanish pron. of .e.g. 'bajador' and @SlavoGermanic = 0 and @strnext1 in ('A','O') begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + 'H' set @current = @current + 1 end else begin if (@current = @last) begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + '' set @current = @current + 1 end else begin if @strnext1 in ('L','T','K','S','N','M','B','Z') and @strprev1 not in ('S','K','L') begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + 'J' set @current = @current + 1 end else begin if (@strnext1 = 'J') -- it could happen set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end end end end end end else if @strcur1 = 'K' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' if (@strnext1 = 'K') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'L' begin if (@strnext1 = 'L') begin if (@current = (@length - 3) -- spanish e.g. 'cabrillo', 'gallegos' and substring(@original, @current - 1, 4) in ('ILLO','ILLA','ALLE') ) or ((substring(@original, @last - 1, 2) in ('AS','OS') or substring(@original, @last, 1) in ('A','O') ) and substring(@original, @current - 1, 4) = 'ALLE' ) set @primary = @primary + 'L' --set @secondary = @secondary + '' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin set @current = @current + 1 set @primary = @primary + 'L' set @secondary = @secondary + 'L' end end else if @strcur1 = 'M' begin set @primary = @primary + 'M' set @secondary = @secondary + 'M' if substring(@original, @current - 1, 3) = 'UMB' and (@current + 1 = @last or substring(@original, @current + 2, 2) = 'ER' ) -- 'dumb', 'thumb' or @strnext1 = 'M' set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 in ('N','Ñ') begin set @primary = @primary + 'N' set @secondary = @secondary + 'N' if @strnext1 in ('N','Ñ') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'P' begin if (@strnext1 = 'H') begin set @current = @current + 2 set @primary = @primary + 'F' set @secondary = @secondary + 'F' end else begin -- also account for 'campbell' and 'raspberry' if @strnext1 in ('P','B') set @current = @current + 2 else begin set @current = @current + 1 set @primary = @primary + 'P' set @secondary = @secondary + 'P' end end end else if @strcur1 = 'Q' begin set @primary = @primary + 'K' set @secondary = @secondary + 'K' if (@strnext1 = 'Q') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'R' begin if @current = @last -- french e.g. 'rogier', but exclude 'hochmeier' and @SlavoGermanic = 0 and substring(@original, @current - 2, 2) = 'IE' and substring(@original, @current - 4, 2) not in ('ME','MA') set @secondary = @secondary + 'R' --set @primary = @primary + '' else begin set @primary = @primary + 'R' set @secondary = @secondary + 'R' end if (@strnext1 = 'R') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'S' begin if substring(@original, @current - 1, 3) in ('ISL','YSL') -- special cases 'island', 'isle', 'carlisle', 'carlysle' set @current = @current + 1 --silent s else begin if substring(@original, @current, 2) = 'SH' begin -- germanic if substring(@original, @current + 1, 4) in ('HEIM','HOEK','HOLM','HOLZ') begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' end set @current = @current + 2 end else begin -- italian & armenian if substring(@original, @current, 3) in ('SIO','SIA') or substring(@original, @current, 4) in ('SIAN') begin if @SlavoGermanic = 0 begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' end set @current = @current + 3 end else begin if (@current = 1 -- german & anglicisations, e.g. 'smith' match 'schmidt', 'snider' match 'schneider' and @strnext1 in ('M','N','L','W') -- also, -sz- in slavic language altho in hungarian it is pronounced 's' ) or @strnext1 = 'Z' begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' if @strnext1 = 'Z' set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else begin if substring(@original, @current, 2) = 'SC' begin if substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) = 'H' -- Schlesinger's rule begin if substring(@original, @current + 3, 2) in ('OO','ER','EN','UY','ED','EM') -- dutch origin, e.g. 'school', 'schooner' begin if substring(@original, @current + 3, 2) in ('ER','EN') -- 'schermerhorn', 'schenker' begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'SK' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'SK' set @secondary = @secondary + 'SK' end set @current = @current + 3 end else begin if @current = 1 and substring(@original, 3,1) not in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') and substring(@original, @current + 3, 1) <> 'W' begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' end set @current = @current + 3 end end else begin if substring(@original, @current + 2, 1) in ('I','E','Y') begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'SK' set @secondary = @secondary + 'SK' end set @current = @current + 3 end end else begin if @current = 1 -- special case 'sugar-' and substring(@original, @current, 5) = 'SUGAR' begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' set @current = @current + 1 end else begin if @current = @last -- french e.g. 'resnais', 'artois' and substring(@original, @current - 2, 2) in ('AI','OI') set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' --set @primary = @primary + '' else begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' end if @strnext1 in ('S','Z') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end end end end end end end else if @strcur1 = 'T' begin if substring(@original, @current, 4) = 'TION' begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' set @current = @current + 3 end else if substring(@original, @current, 3) in ('TIA','TCH') begin set @primary = @primary + 'X' set @secondary = @secondary + 'X' set @current = @current + 3 end else if substring(@original, @current, 2) = 'TH' or substring(@original, @current, 3) = 'TTH' begin if substring(@original, @current + 2, 2) in ('OM','AM') -- special case 'thomas', 'thames' or germanic or substring(@original, 0, 4) in ('VAN ','VON ') or substring(@original, 0, 3) = 'SCH' begin set @primary = @primary + 'T' set @secondary = @secondary + 'T' end else begin set @primary = @primary + '0' set @secondary = @secondary + 'T' end set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if @strnext1 in ('T','D') begin set @current = @current + 2 set @primary = @primary + 'T' set @secondary = @secondary + 'T' end else begin set @current = @current + 1 set @primary = @primary + 'T' set @secondary = @secondary + 'T' end end end else if @strcur1 = 'V' if (@strnext1 = 'V') set @current = @current + 2 else begin set @current = @current + 1 set @primary = @primary + 'F' set @secondary = @secondary + 'F' end else if @strcur1 = 'W' begin -- can also be in middle of word if substring(@original, @current, 2) = 'WR' begin set @primary = @primary + 'R' set @secondary = @secondary + 'R' set @current = @current + 2 end else if @current = 1 and (@strnext1 in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') or substring(@original, @current, 2) = 'WH' ) begin if @strnext1 in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') -- Wasserman should match Vasserman begin set @primary = @primary + 'A' set @secondary = @secondary + 'F' set @current = @current + 1 end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'A' -- need Uomo to match Womo set @secondary = @secondary + 'A' set @current = @current + 1 end end else if (@current = @last -- Arnow should match Arnoff and @strprev1 in ('A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U', 'Y') ) or substring(@original, @current - 1, 5) in ('EWSKI','EWSKY','OWSKI','OWSKY') or substring(@original, 0, 3) = 'SCH' begin set @secondary = @secondary + 'F' --set @primary = @primary + '' set @current = @current + 1 end else if substring(@original, @current, 4) in ('WICZ','WITZ') -- polish e.g. 'filipowicz' begin set @primary = @primary + 'TS' set @secondary = @secondary + 'FX' set @current = @current + 4 end else set @current = @current + 1 -- else skip it end else if @strcur1 = 'X' begin if not (@current = @last -- french e.g. breaux and (substring(@original, @current - 3, 3) in ('IAU', 'EAU') or substring(@original, @current - 2, 2) in ('AU', 'OU') ) ) begin set @primary = @primary + 'KS' set @secondary = @secondary + 'KS' end --else skip it if @strnext1 in ('C','X') set @current = @current + 2 else set @current = @current + 1 end else if @strcur1 = 'Z' begin if (@strnext1 = 'Z') set @current = @current + 2 else begin if (@strnext1 = 'H') -- chinese pinyin e.g. 'zhao' begin set @primary = @primary + 'J' set @secondary = @secondary + 'J' set @current = @current + 2 end else begin if (substring(@original, @current + 1, 2) in ('ZO', 'ZI', 'ZA')) or (@SlavoGermanic = 1 and (@current > 0 and @strprev1 <> 'T' ) ) begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'TS' end else begin set @primary = @primary + 'S' set @secondary = @secondary + 'S' end end set @current = @current + 1 end end else set @current = @current + 1 end return cast(@primary as char(5)) + cast(@secondary as char(5))endgo K e i t h H e n r yEdited by - khenry on 03/06/2002 06:43:13 |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
253 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-28 : 10:38:29
how do i cal lthis function?? |
Cybernetic Yak Master
11752 Posts |
Posted - 2007-02-28 : 11:44:06
select dbo.DoubleMetaPhone(yourColumn)from yourTableCausing trouble since 1980blog: |
Mr Bronz
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 2007-10-03 : 04:59:58
Hi and thanks for the codeRegards to how you use this code please can you be more specificLike is this a T-SQL function? i would guess yes it is!!Where should it be stored? Specifically how do I call it?What are the results likely to be?I.e. integer or list of nearly matching recordsFrom what i have read about metaphone this looks impressiveKind RegardsMr BronzI didnt do it! i just did what i was told! |
Professor Frink
1421 Posts |
Posted - 2007-10-10 : 21:41:45
Mr. Bronz-You can get a paste friendly version of this code from planet source code, just need to add a couple -- to some of his comments. You would create the function in whatever database you want to call it from and then call it this dbo.doublemetaphone('joe')select dbo.doublemetaphone('john')select dbo.doublemetaphone('jo')select dbo.doublemetaphone('jim')select dbo.doublemetaphone('james')Mike"oh, that monkey is going to pay" |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2009-01-08 : 23:00:19
It's worth noting that DoubleMetaphone returns two concatenated codes representing two alternate pronunciations. Thus, you can't use a simple equals to compare the result of two calls to DoubleMetaphone; DoubleMetaphone is not a drop-in replacement for SOUNDEX; Metaphone DoubleMetaphone('Smith')select DoubleMetaphone('Hashimoto')Smith: 'SM0 XMT ' Hashimoto: 'XMT XMT 'Here Smith has two pronunciations, SM0 and XMT, and Hashimoto just one, XMT.You really need to do something like this:declare @DM1 varchar(10)declare @DM2 varchar(10)select @DM1 = dbo.DoubleMetaphone('Smith')select @DM2 = dbo.DoubleMetaphone('Hashimoto')if (left(@DM1, 5) in (left(@DM2, 5), right(@DM2, 5)) OR (right(@DM1, 5) in (left(@DM2, 5), right(@DM2, 5)) print 'Smith is pronounced similarly to Hashimoto' Here are similar names for 'Wullf' ('AF FF ') using the database I have at work:-- primary matches primaryWeville AF FF Wyvill AF FF -- primary matches (no alternate)Avey AF AF Eiffe AF AF Elliffe AF AF Eva AF AF Eve AF AF Eveille AF AF Ivey AF AF Ohff AF AF -- primary matches secondary pronunciationFaafoi FF FF Favell FF FF Fife FF FF Fyfe FF FF Fyffe FF FF Fyvie FF FF -- secondary matches secondary pronunciationFallaw F FF Fellew F FF I strongly recommend you consider very carefully whether DoubleMetaphone is appropriate (and do performance testing, both functions above are much slower than plain-old SOUNDEX). |
Starting Member
1 Post |
Posted - 2010-08-22 : 16:54:46
is there an error inthe Double Metaphone? at line 235-- e.g. 'focaccia' if substring(@original, @current, 4) = 'CCIA' the "if substring ......"is commented out.Is this deliberate? |
Starting Member
3 Posts |
Posted - 2010-08-23 : 03:40:29
quote: Originally posted by Leventoux is there an error inthe Double Metaphone? at line 235-- e.g. 'focaccia' if substring(@original, @current, 4) = 'CCIA' the "if substring ......"is commented out.Is this deliberate?
I think that's an artefact from a previous version or its development. It gives the correct result for focaccia: FKX FKXIt's |