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 External Stored Procedure problems

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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-10 : 09:56:41
Hi There

I'm having problems installing a external stored procedure that I created in Visual C++. I've created the .ddl and put it in the correct directory.

I've run the following commands to install it
sp_addextendedproc xp_regex, "D:\garth\ExternalStoredProcedures\Tecas\xp_regex.dll"

I then exec the procedure and get the following:

execute master..xp_regex

ODBC: Msg 0, Level 16, State 1
Cannot load the DLL \\tedevsql02\garth\ExternalStoredProcedures\Tecas, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).

The .dll is definately in that directory. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any tips?



Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-10 : 10:18:56
Sorry, that error should read as follows...

ODBC: Msg 0, Level 16, State 1
Cannot load the DLL D:\garth\ExternalStoredProcedures\Tecas\xp_regex.dll, or one of the DLLs it references. Reason: 126(The specified module could not be found.).
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Cybernetic Yak Master

11752 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-10 : 11:45:43
are all dll's referenced in your dll available?

Causing trouble since 1980
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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2007-07-10 : 11:56:25
the dll is 'basically' a "hello world" atm, just so I can get it working.

I don't think it refs any other .dll's
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