What would you do if you only want to stop some of the jobs from running on a Holiday but let other jobs run?If you use a job to stop the SQL Agent, you won't be able to start it again from a job, since jobs will not run.You can use something like this in a TSQL job step to skip running it on a Holiday.-- Skip run if today is a holidayif exists( select a.* from MyHolidayTable a where a.Date = dateadd(dd,datediff(dd,0,getdate()),0) -- Todays date ) goto Do_Not_Run...... Code for job...Do_Not_Run:
You could also setup a daily job to modify the schedule start date of jobs you do not want to run on a holiday. Just set the schedule start date to the day after the holiday. Look in SQL Server Books Online for sp_update_jobschedule to do this.CODO ERGO SUM