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2 Posts |
Posted - 2008-02-04 : 06:07:11
At first my office had blackout and sybase server unable to shutdown properly.
I have 4 database in that sybase server on unix AIX5 and only 3 database up and can be access after restart except for 1 database(mydb) show message recovery failed:
00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.73 server Recovering database 'mydb'. 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.76 server Starting diagnostics for read fail ure: 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server Device Information: Device number = 8 Phyname = /data/my_db/mydbdatadev 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server Buffer Information: Buf addr = 0x5068965c, Mass addr = 0x5068965c Buf pageno = 114268, Mass pageno = 114268, dbid = 6 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server Buf virtpg = 134331998, Mass virtpg = 134331998 Buf stat = 0x1, Mass stat = 0x1008 Mass keep = 1, Mass awaited = 0
00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server Page Information from first read a ttempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 114268, pobjid = 1680005985, pindid = 255 pnextpg = 0, pprevpg = 0 plevel = 241, pstat = 0x4030 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 52098 23 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server Page Information from second read attempt: Page read from disk ppageno = 114268, pobjid = 1680005985, pindid = 255 pnextpg = 0, pprevpg = 0 plevel = 241, pstat = 0x4030 pts_hi = 0, pts_lo = 5209 823
00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server SDES Information: dbid = 6, objid = 8, scur.pageid = 114268 sstat = 0x0, sstat2 = 0x4000000 suid = 1, cacheid = 0 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server PSS Information: pstat = 0x1000, pcurdb = 6, pspid = 1 p2stat = 0x110, p3stat = 0x1000081e plasterror = 0, preverror = 0, pattention = 0
00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server End diagnostics for read failure: 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.77 server Run the DBCC command 'dbcc tableal loc' for both the objects 8, 1680005985 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.78 server Error: 605, Severity: 21, State: 1 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.78 server An attempt was made to fetch logic al page '114268' in database 'mydb' from cache 'default data cache'. Page belo ngs to object with id '1680005985', not to object 'syslogs'. 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.80 server Error: 3414, Severity: 21, State: 1 00:00000:00001:2008/02/02 21:08:30.80 server Database 'mydb' (dbid 6): Recove ry failed. Check the SQL Server errorlog for further information as to the cause
then i used sql to dbcc mydb and this message come out: server message:number 921,severity 14 server 'mydb_prod',line1: database 'mydb' has not been recovered yet - please wait and try again
tq for reply, any added information please let me know. please help. |