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 aspnet_storedprocedures naming convention

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Posting Yak Master

124 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-17 : 18:38:01
We have our own naming convention for tables, views and stored procedures. Is there any way when developing in .net that you can change how objects are named when they are created?
Thanks, P

Very Important crosS Applying yaK Herder

52326 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-17 : 23:33:12
you mean creating tables from .net? or renaming them?
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Posting Yak Master

124 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-18 : 10:11:25
Seems one of our developers is creating tables and stored procedures
through .net and they all have the prefix aspnet_tablename and aspnet_storedprocedurenam. He says this is a Microsoft naming convention and he can not change it.
That just doesn't seem correct.
We have our own naming conventions and would like to enforce them.
Thanks, P
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