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 Like and substring?

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Starting Member

18 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-21 : 00:00:30
Ok I will try my best to make sense.

I have Table of Part Numbers and Supersede this is how my table looks like:

PartNo | Cost | Location
1234588 (RS845) | 82.02 | SH1
RS845 (1234588) | 12.02 | SH1
85221588 | 42.21 | SH2
XYZ123 | 50.85 | SH1
1235447 (SER12) | 12.85 | SH2
SER12 (1235447) | 74.52 | SH1

What I want is to search part number with last or first few number or letters of the part.

What I did is:
SELECT PartNo, Cost, Location FROM Products WHERE LIKE '588%'

What I get is:

PartNo | Cost | Location
85221588 | 42.21 | SH2

What I want to get is:

PartNo | Cost | Location
1234588 (RS845) | 82.02 | SH1
85221588 | 42.21 | SH2

I need a way to concatenate (transact) the PartNo before the " (".

I have SQL 2005 as Backend and C# as the Front end.

Thanks in Advance.

Almighty SQL Goddess

38200 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-21 : 00:47:58
I'm not following you, but don't you want this: WHERE PartNo LIKE '%588%'

Tara Kizer
Microsoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server

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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-21 : 04:03:06
WHERE PartNo LIKE '%588 (%'

E 12°55'05.63"
N 56°04'39.26"
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Starting Member

18 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-21 : 09:30:26
WHERE PartNo LIKE '%588 (%'
will not get:

PartNo | Cost | Location
1234588 (RS845) | 82.02 | SH1
85221588 | 42.21 | SH2

And WHERE PartNo LIKE '%588%'

will get everything.
basically if it were C# I would do this.

String input = "588" // input from User does not have to be 3 chars

int jumper = PartNo.IndexOf(@"(");

if (jumper > 0)
String jump = PartNo.Substring(0, PartNo.IndexOf(@"(") - 1); //Remove ( if it exists.
jump = PartNo

if (jump.Substring(PartNo.length-input.length+1, input.length).equal(input.length)) // Compare input with last few chars of PartNo

I hope that makes more sense.

basically in SQL what I think would want it to be (Hypothetical code)

SELECT Substring(PartNo, PartNo.length-input.length+1,input.length) Where PartNo LIKE '588%'

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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-21 : 11:46:44
Did you try the suggestion posted 12/21/2008 : 04:03:06 ?

E 12°55'05.63"
N 56°04'39.26"
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Starting Member

18 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-22 : 01:29:21
Dear Peso please read what I wrote,

WHERE PartNo LIKE '%588 (%'
will get me

1234588 (RS845) | 82.02 | SH1
but not
85221588 | 42.21 | SH2

And I want both for result

I think I got an idea, if it works I shall post it.

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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-22 : 02:55:42
Skip the ( in the like string?

E 12°55'05.63"
N 56°04'39.26"
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Starting Member

18 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-22 : 04:43:28
OK I have got it to work like I want it to

SELECT PartNo, Cost, Location FROM Products WHERE PartNo LIKE '%588' OR '%588 (%'

it was so easy but I guess I was mind blocked, peso you helped me in an unlikely way.

anyway thanks all that helped
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Patron Saint of Lost Yaks

30421 Posts

Posted - 2008-12-22 : 04:48:59
SELECT PartNo, Cost, Location FROM Products WHERE PartNo + ' (' LIKE '%588 (%'

E 12°55'05.63"
N 56°04'39.26"
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