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 Fetch Customers using ZIPCODE and DISTANCE

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Posting Yak Master

195 Posts

Posted - 2009-01-08 : 02:34:36
Dear Friends,

We have two table named customer and Zip. Please find the sample data below

MemId | FirstName | LastName | ZipCode
12 Dhina T 92131
14 ABC DEF 92131
15 XYZ K 01001
16 UJI OQS 01009

ZipId | ZipCode | City | State | Latitude | Longitude
1 92131 HOLTSVILLE NY 40.485500 -73.024000
2 01001 BENJAMI NY 42.317017 -72.515056
3 01009 BONDSVILLE MA 42.124500 -72.204000

This is the sample data for the two tables,

Here what we need to do is i have to pass zipcode and distance as a two arguments, and display the customers who are all in the zip within the distance.

Please help me in this regards.

Thanks in Advance

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

1472 Posts

Posted - 2009-01-08 : 05:26:32
There is an sp to find distnace between 2 sets of latitude and logitudes in this forum. Refer that.
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