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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2009-01-10 : 11:22:08
Can you help me , to create database for Appraise (Estimate) Professors.

I have table , Students, Profesors, anddd i don't no .....


Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

7174 Posts

Posted - 2009-01-10 : 12:18:01
What is business requirement? Search for Logical and Physical Design of databases and Normalization as well.
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Starting Member

3 Posts

Posted - 2009-01-10 : 13:50:02
Hello ,
I have the following problem in building an ER diagram for a rating_professors.
The database has the following members :
1.Students , 2.Professors , 3.Cours ...
4.Questions that will be rating professors must save in database.
5.Questions that will be rating professors may be the same for each other.
6.Only five questions must content query.

For rating:
1. A student can't not rating all the professors but they rating one of them .
2. A proffesor can be rating from 1 - 5 marks.
3. Student can not rating a professor if he wasn't his teacher.
4. A student can rights editing , updating and delete his rating.
5. A student can not read other students rating ( exlusive rights Administrator).
6.Administrato can editing, create raport, all rating proffesors, but can not rating .
7.Administrator is student but with privillage rights.
8.Only administrator can have manage database (for student , professors, question_rating)

Can help anyone me , to create this database and roles...
I need a schema E-R diagram , anything ...

Thank youuu

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