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 scheduling a job to run a procedure

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-02-18 : 05:54:03

How do I create a job to run procedure everynight. Is this possible?


Norsk Yak Master

3271 Posts

Posted - 2009-02-18 : 06:39:34
I have no idea about procedures but if you can start it from the command line you can schedule a job with the sql server agent and use either xp_cmdshell or use a job step of type "Operating system (cmd exec)"...

- Lumbago
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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-02-18 : 07:03:10
thanks for suggestion.

At the moment the procedure I like to run as part of a scheduled job is in an application (reasonably big application).

I have just read an article on CLR stored procedures and I am beginning to think that's what I need to create. Am I on a right path?

Should I write the class as CLR stored procedure?
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Aged Yak Warrior

530 Posts

Posted - 2009-02-18 : 07:27:33
I would say that doing a CLR stored Procedure is the correct way as this used .net technologies, then from there create the job to execute that procedure
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