Hi,These charts are giving me a hard time:-)I have a line chart with Name as series, TotalReported as data field and Date_reported as category field.Below is my table and select statement.However not all series line are shown on the chart. I see all the names in the series but only about 3 names are plotted.What am i doing wrong?Thanksif @groupBy='issue' and @group=0beginselect top (@top) count(r.issue) as totalreported,--convert(varchar(10),date_reported,3) AS date_reported,r.ISSUE as NameID, IM_BUGS.bug as Name from dbo.IM_Msg_Issue_Reported rinner join dbo.IM_BUGS on bug_id=r.issue where (r.application in(select value from dbo.fn_split(@app_id,',')) or @app_id is null)and (r.issue IN (select value from dbo.fn_split(@issue_id,',')) or @issue_id is null)and (r.subject in (select value from dbo.fn_split(@subject_id,',')) or @subject_id is null)and (r.date_reported BETWEEN cast( @date_from as datetime) AND cast( @date_to as datetime)) and (agent_id in ( select value from dbo.fn_split(@agent,',')) or @agent is null) group by IM_BUGS.bug,date_Reported,r.ISSUEorder by cast(date_reported as datetime) asc,count(r.ISSUE) descend______________CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IM_Msg_Issue_Reported]( [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [application] [int] NULL, [subject] [int] NULL, [issue] [int] NULL, [msg] [int] NULL, [Date_Reported] [datetime] NULL, [agent_id] [int] NULL, [msg_path] [nvarchar](500) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL, [Time_Reported] [datetime] NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_IM_Msg_Issue_Reported] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [id] ASC)WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY]) ON [PRIMARY]
Whisky-my beloved dog who died suddenly on the 29/06/06-I miss u so much.