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Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-09 : 04:09:16
Hi,I hope I'm in the right sub-forum, I wasn't sure where triggers belong to...sorry if I'm wrong.I searched the forum for "multible row trigger" but nothing showed up so I hope this hasn't been asked before.And also sorry if my grammar isn't the best but I'm not a native speaker But now let's head to my actual question.I need a trigger that handles multible rows. I've found some examples on google but none of them fit to what I need.That's what the trigger should do if there was only one row:- check if a certain column in another table (table2) is null. If so, a new row has to be inserted in a third table. The new id of that table has to be written back in table 2.Although I'm rather new and unexperienced to triggers I've already managed to get this trigger to work.But of course it only works for one row.It is also possible that the trigger is for multible rows. It has to perform the actions above for each row. I need some kind of a for-loop but I don't know how this works. Can somebody help me please?Thank you!sth_Weird |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-09 : 04:13:08
can you show us your trigger code ? KH[spoiler]Time is always against us[/spoiler] |
Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-09 : 04:33:09
Below I have a trigger of another table that is a bit easier than my actual one but it faces the same problem when it comes to multible rows so I guess it's easier to understand. If caused by a one-row-update, it checkes if a certain column (InformationID) in the table is "-1" and if it is, it gets a new id (using a function) and inserts a new row in another table, and writes the new id back into the table. In case of this trigger I know it will never be fired for more than one row so the check is unnecessary, but in the real table multible rows updates/inserts are possible.CREATE TRIGGER insertErrorTexts ON dbo.tErrorCodeGroups FOR INSERT, UPDATEASBEGIN IF (SELECT Count(*) FROM inserted) > 1 RETURN ELSE IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM inserted WHERE (InformationID < 0)) BEGIN DECLARE @error nvarchar(12), @errorID bigint SELECT @error = 'E_' + RTRIM(LTRIM(STR([ErrorCodeNumber]))), @errorID = [ErrorCodeID] FROM inserted IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM TextInformations WHERE GuiConstName LIKE RTRIM(LTRIM(@error)) AND NamespaceID = 2) RETURN ELSE BEGIN DECLARE @nextTextInfoID bigint SET @nextTextInfoID = ([dbo].[GetNewTextInformationID]()) INSERT INTO TextInformations (InformationID, GuiConstName, NamespaceID) VALUES (@nextTextInfoID, RTRIM(LTRIM(@error)) , 2) UPDATE tErrorCodeGroups SET InformationID = @nextTextInfoID WHERE ErrorCodeID = @errorID END ENDEND sth_Weird |
Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-09 : 05:43:24
sorry if I repost but sometimes when you edit an existing post other people who've read your post before don't notice the changes...googleing on I'v stumbled upon cursors. they looked very interesing and I think they could solve my problem, but each article/post including cursor references were accompanied by warnings telling you they are evil and should not be used. They say most of the time there are alternatives to cursors. As I said, I'm still very new to triggers and stuff so I miss the knowledge and experience what is possible or not (so far I've only dealt with tables, queries (when it comes to them my skills are advanced) and very easy triggers...). Maybe you can tell me if cursors are the right way to go for me here, then I can try to get them to work. Or you think there is a workaround here, too, then I wouldn't have to waste my time on cursors. Thanxsth_Weird |
In (Som, Ni, Yak)
17689 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-09 : 07:05:20
try thisINSERT INTO TextInformations (InformationID, GuiConstName, NamespaceID)SELECT [dbo].[GetNewTextInformationID](), 'E_' + RTRIM(LTRIM(STR(i.[ErrorCodeNumber])))FROM INSERTED iWHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM TextInformations x WHERE NamespaceID = 2 AND GuiConstName = 'E_' + RTRIM(LTRIM(STR([i.ErrorCodeNumber]))) )UPDATE eSET InformationID = t.InformationIDFROM tErrorCodeGroups e INNER JOIN INSERTED i ON e.ErrorCodeID = i.ErrorCodeID INNER JOIN TextInformations t ON t.GuiConstName = 'E_' + RTRIM(LTRIM(STR([i.ErrorCodeNumber]))) AND t.NamespaceID = 2 KH[spoiler]Time is always against us[/spoiler] |
Starting Member
38 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-13 : 10:13:28
works. thanx! |