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 VB/Excel to run a Query

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-07-20 : 09:18:39
Hi, first post here... give me some space and let me know if you need more info!

Basically I am pretty inexperienced in SQL and need some help with code and possibly logistically of what I am hoping to do.

At the moment I have some tables and have written a query which is run each day to output for each email address, a time variable and two counting fields. The emails only get selected if the counts are over a certain value inside a certain timeframe. This is outputting into a pivot table at the moment so that the time can be varied and the counts.

What I would like to do is be able to automate to certain degree... So...

1. Run the query possibly from excel or a VB window
2. Print the emails onto the pivot table as already done
3. On another excel sheet have a list of emails meeting the criteria of, for example Count1>2 and Count2>2. So have a list of all emails, historic and new.
4. Generate an excel list of only the NEW emails added to the list in 3. on that day.

Am I thinking of this in the correct way or should I try and do less/more with Macros and Excel.

Any help would be appreciated!!

Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-07-20 : 09:42:30
Perhaps this should be in a different area... sorry if this is the case.

FYI I am using SQL Server 2005
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Aged Yak Warrior

547 Posts

Posted - 2009-08-07 : 17:56:05
You can use "import external data" in the data menu to connect to a SQL server database. If you connect to a view the "query" can be the view definition(as long as you don't need to change the selection criteria). Then use macros to move the data to a new sheet.

You can do this in VBA too, but I've only done that with Access.

An infinite universe is the ultimate cartesian product.
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