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Posted - 2009-07-28 : 17:42:53
I am trying to create a stored procedure that has two parameters. Within this stored procedure I am using Openquery (Openquery is connecting to an Oracel Database). Everytime I try to execute my stored procedure I get this error message:Msg 170, Level 15, State 1, Procedure Cash_Report_Allocation, Line 106Line 106: Incorrect syntax near '+'.I have tried already to add more ' to the surround parameters within the query but that didn't work. Can someone help me out on stored procedure:USE [OasisReports]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGOCREATE PROCEDURE Cash_Report_Allocation (@Batch_date varchar(10),@company varchar(1))ASBEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure hereselect OASISPRD.Check_no, OASISPRD.deposit_date, OASISPRD.Check_amount, OASISPRD.Allocated_amount, OASISPRD.payor, OASISPRD.receipt_date, OASISPRD.accounting_date, OASISPRD.payment_type_code, OASISPRD.Payment_type_desc, OASISPRD.batch_date, OASISPRD.batch_no, OASISPRD.account_no, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_number, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_Amount, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_Date, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_Total, OASISPRD.Difference_App_Inv_Amount, OMSTOCK.policy, OMSTOCK.invoicenumber, OMSTOCK.amountfrom openquery(OASISPRD, 'SELECT receipt_no Check_no, deposit_date, receipt_amount Check_amount, amount Allocated_amount, payor, receipt_date, accounting_date, payment_type_code, short_description Payment_type_desc, batch_date, batch_no, account_no, invoice_no Last_Invoice_number, minimum_amount_due Last_Invoice_Amount, invoice_date Last_Invoice_Date, outstanding_amount Last_Invoice_Total, amount - minimum_amount_due Difference_App_Inv_Amount FROM (Select receipt_pk, decode(payment_type_code, ''CREDITCARD'', ''Credit Card'', receipt_no) receipt_no, deposit_date, receipt_amount, abs(sum(amount)) amount, payor, receipt_date, min(m.accounting_date) accounting_date, payment_type_code, ''Payment'' || decode(l2.short_description, NULL, '' '', '' - '' || l2.short_description || '' '') || decode(batch_type, ''DIRECT_DEB'', '' '', ''- '' || l.short_description) short_description, batch_date, batch_no, ba.account_no, fieh.invoice_no, fieh.minimum_amount_due, fieh.invoice_date, os.outstanding_amount from lookup_code l2, batch, lookup_code l, receipt, fm_master m, billing_account ba, fm_invoice_extract_header fieh, (Select sum(DECODE(SIGN(sysdate - (pth.effective_from_date - 30)), -1, 0, 0, amount, 1, amount)) outstanding_amount, fm.billing_account_fk billing_account_pk from fm_trans_type ft, fm_master fm, policy_term_history pth, policy p where ft.code = fm.fm_trans_type_code and pth.policy_fk = p.policy_pk and fm.policy_term_history_fk = pth.policy_term_history_pk AND p.policy_cycle_code = ''POLICY'' AND pth.record_mode_code = ''OFFICIAL'' AND pth.Issue_Company_Entity_Fk = ''' + @company + ''' and fm.accounting_date <= to_date(''' + @Batch_date + ''', ''yyyy-mm-dd'') group by fm.billing_account_fk) OS where l2.lookup_type_code(+) = ''BATCH_TYPE'' and l2.code(+) = nvl(batch_type, ''NORMAL'') and batch_pk = batch_fk and l.code = payment_type_code and l.lookup_type_code = ''PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE'' and receipt_type_code = ''PAYMENT'' and receipt_pk = source_record_fk and source_table_name = ''RECEIPT'' and m.FM_TRANS_TYPE_CODE != ''TRANSFER'' and ba.issue_company_entity_fk = ''' + @company + ''' and m.billing_account_fk = ba.billing_account_pk and m.billing_account_fk = os.billing_account_pk(+) and batch_date = to_date(''' + @Batch_date + ''', ''yyyy-mm-dd'') and ba.account_no = fieh.account_no and fieh.invoice_no is not null and (fieh.account_no, fieh.invoice_date) in (select x.account_no, max(x.invoice_date) from fm_invoice_extract_header x where x.invoice_date <= to_date(''' + @Batch_date + ''', ''yyyy-mm-dd'') and x.invoice_no is not null and x.account_no = ba.account_no group by x.account_no) group by receipt_pk, receipt_no, deposit_date, receipt_amount, payor, receipt_date, payment_type_code, ''Payment'' || decode(l2.short_description, NULL, '' '', '' - '' || l2.short_description || '' '') || decode(batch_type, ''DIRECT_DEB'', '' '', ''- '' || l.short_description), batch_date, batch_no, ba.account_no, fieh.invoice_no, fieh.minimum_amount_due, fieh.invoice_date, os.outstanding_amount having sum(amount) <> 0) order by accounting_date desc') OASISPRD LEFT OUTER JOINopenquery(OMSTOCK, 'select tblInvoices.policy, tblInvoices.invoicenumber, tblInvoices.amount from tblInvoices, (Select policy, max(invoicenumber) as Invoice_no from tblInvoices where policy in (Select policy from tblCommon where currentstockrequirement > 0) group by policy) xx where tblInvoices.invoicenumber = xx.Invoice_no ') OMSTOCKon OASISPRD.account_no = OMSTOCK.policy;ENDGO--exec Cash_Report_Allocation;Thanks,Leo |
Starting Member
30 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-29 : 15:20:06
I was able to figure out how to compile the stored procedure:My fix was to add a delcare value called: Delcare @varOracleText varchar(8000) and then set @varOracleText = "the select statment" and then adde an execution statement at the end of the stored produre. Here is my newely modified stored procedure:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Cash_Report_Allocation] @Batch_date varchar(10),@company varchar(1)ASDECLARE @varOracleText varchar(8000)--BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure hereSet @varOracleText = 'select OASISPRD.Check_no, OASISPRD.deposit_date, OASISPRD.Check_amount, OASISPRD.Allocated_amount, OASISPRD.payor, OASISPRD.receipt_date, OASISPRD.accounting_date, OASISPRD.payment_type_code, OASISPRD.Payment_type_desc, OASISPRD.batch_date, OASISPRD.batch_no, OASISPRD.account_no, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_number, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_Amount, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_Date, OASISPRD.Last_Invoice_Total, OASISPRD.Difference_App_Inv_Amount, OMSTOCK.policy, OMSTOCK.invoicenumber, OMSTOCK.amountfrom openquery(OASISPRD, ''SELECT receipt_no Check_no, deposit_date, receipt_amount Check_amount, amount Allocated_amount, payor, receipt_date, accounting_date, payment_type_code, short_description Payment_type_desc, batch_date, batch_no, account_no, invoice_no Last_Invoice_number, minimum_amount_due Last_Invoice_Amount, invoice_date Last_Invoice_Date, outstanding_amount Last_Invoice_Total, amount - minimum_amount_due Difference_App_Inv_Amount FROM (Select receipt_pk, decode(payment_type_code, ''''CREDITCARD'''', ''''Credit Card'''', receipt_no) receipt_no, deposit_date, receipt_amount, abs(sum(amount)) amount, payor, receipt_date, min(m.accounting_date) accounting_date, payment_type_code, ''''Payment'''' || decode(l2.short_description, NULL, '''' '''', '''' - '''' || l2.short_description || '''' '''') || decode(batch_type, ''''DIRECT_DEB'''', '''' '''', ''''- '''' || l.short_description) short_description, batch_date, batch_no, ba.account_no, fieh.invoice_no, fieh.minimum_amount_due, fieh.invoice_date, os.outstanding_amount from lookup_code l2, batch, lookup_code l, receipt, fm_master m, billing_account ba, fm_invoice_extract_header fieh, (Select sum(DECODE(SIGN(sysdate - (pth.effective_from_date - 30)), -1, 0, 0, amount, 1, amount)) outstanding_amount, fm.billing_account_fk billing_account_pk from fm_trans_type ft, fm_master fm, policy_term_history pth, policy p where ft.code = fm.fm_trans_type_code and pth.policy_fk = p.policy_pk and fm.policy_term_history_fk = pth.policy_term_history_pk AND p.policy_cycle_code = ''''POLICY'''' AND pth.record_mode_code = ''''OFFICIAL'''' AND pth.Issue_Company_Entity_Fk = ''''' + @company + ''''' and fm.accounting_date <= to_date(''''' + @Batch_date + ''''', ''''mm/dd/yyyy'''') group by fm.billing_account_fk) OS where l2.lookup_type_code(+) = ''''BATCH_TYPE'''' and l2.code(+) = nvl(batch_type, ''''NORMAL'''') and batch_pk = batch_fk and l.code = payment_type_code and l.lookup_type_code = ''''PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE'''' and receipt_type_code = ''''PAYMENT'''' and receipt_pk = source_record_fk and source_table_name = ''''RECEIPT'''' and m.FM_TRANS_TYPE_CODE != ''''TRANSFER'''' and ba.issue_company_entity_fk = ''''' + @company + ''''' and m.billing_account_fk = ba.billing_account_pk and m.billing_account_fk = os.billing_account_pk(+) and batch_date = to_date(''''' + @Batch_date + ''''', ''''mm/dd/yyyy'''') and ba.account_no = fieh.account_no and fieh.invoice_no is not null and (fieh.account_no, fieh.invoice_date) in (select x.account_no, max(x.invoice_date) from fm_invoice_extract_header x where x.invoice_date <= to_date(''''' + @Batch_date + ''''', ''''mm/dd/yyyy'''') and x.invoice_no is not null and x.account_no = ba.account_no group by x.account_no) group by receipt_pk, receipt_no, deposit_date, receipt_amount, payor, receipt_date, payment_type_code, ''''Payment'''' || decode(l2.short_description, NULL, '''' '''', '''' - '''' || l2.short_description || '''' '''') || decode(batch_type, ''''DIRECT_DEB'''', '''' '''', ''''- '''' || l.short_description), batch_date, batch_no, ba.account_no, fieh.invoice_no, fieh.minimum_amount_due, fieh.invoice_date, os.outstanding_amount having sum(amount) <> 0) order by accounting_date desc'') OASISPRD LEFT OUTER JOINopenquery(OMSTOCK, ''select tblInvoices.policy, tblInvoices.invoicenumber, tblInvoices.amount from tblInvoices, (Select policy, max(invoicenumber) as Invoice_no from tblInvoices where policy in (Select policy from tblCommon where currentstockrequirement > 0) group by policy) xx where tblInvoices.invoicenumber = xx.Invoice_no '') OMSTOCKon OASISPRD.account_no = OMSTOCK.policy';BEGINEXEC( 'Select * from ' + @varOracleText + '' )ENDNow my new problem is trying to Execute the stored procedure. I get this error when I run the problem below:Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'select'.(1 row(s) affected)USE [OasisReports]GODECLARE @return_value intEXEC @return_value = [dbo].[Cash_Report_Allocation] @Batch_date = N'5/1/2009', @company = N'1'SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_valueGOCan anyone tell me why it will not exec? |
Most Valuable Yak
15732 Posts |
Posted - 2009-07-29 : 18:59:33
It's either a genuine syntax error or your SQL string exceeds the 8000 character limit. Look closely at the code within the OPENQUERY section:openquery(OMSTOCK, ''select tblInvoices.policy, tblInvoices.invoicenumber, tblInvoices.amountfrom tblInvoices, (Select policy, max(invoicenumber) as Invoice_no from tblInvoiceswhere policy in (Select policy from tblCommonwhere currentstockrequirement > 0)group by policy) xx I have a feeling one or both of those subqueries is the culprit.I'd also recommend rewriting those subqueries as JOINS or use the EXISTS statement instead of IN. You should also avoid doing JOINs on an OPENQUERY source, especially if either side could return more than a few thousand rows. Linked server joins spawn remote cursors and kill performance. |
Starting Member
30 Posts |
Posted - 2009-08-03 : 12:41:46
Thank you for you info robvolk. I found out that it was not a syntax error but my last statement was incorrect.I had this statment:BEGINEXEC('Select * from ' + @varOracleText + '')ENDI changed it too:BEGINEXEC (@varOracleText)ENDNow it works correctly.thank you for your help. |