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Posting Yak Master

169 Posts

Posted - 2009-08-03 : 12:52:59
I am writing a .NET script to email end-of-job notice to my users. In that eoj notice I have to include how many records came from each user. Because multi files can be sent I am using a For Each loop I am storing the rec count in a variable ("NoInflrecs,NoKCGrecs") for each user.

I placed the variables in the ReadOnlyVariables are of the Script Task, and I reference them in the In setting up the email to use the two variables ("NoInflrecs,NoKCGrecs") in the body of the email. However, they are tagged as not being declared. I tried referencing them with the @ sign and without. I tried referencing them like I do in the Email Task (@[User::NoInflrecs]) and still nada. Here is the code

strBody = "Job completed successfully." + vbCrLf + vbCrLf

strBody += "Number of Influent Records received today: "
strBody += Trim(Str(NoInflrecs)) + vbCrLf
strBody += "Number of KCG Files received today: " + Trim(Str(NoKCGrecs))

Does anyone have any idea how this s/b done??

Thank you,

Aged Yak Warrior

547 Posts

Posted - 2009-08-07 : 18:05:56
Is this in SSIS?

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