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 Order by Name MiddleName LastName

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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-16 : 05:43:18
I Have Facing with Order problem
i try to query From Table

it go like this ->

WHERE (ClientName LIKE 'X%') OR (ClientName LIKE '%[ ]X%')

it mean give me all clients that start Whit X Letter And Included MiddleName If There is And Last Name.

Name,MiddleName And LastName are At same Cell (ClientName)
i have qury it and sorting it
first by Name after it by MiddleName and finlly by LastName

i don't know how to order it.

Someon Have an idea how to start ?


Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

8781 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-16 : 05:58:09
Can you give some sample data?
The start is to split the column in 3 values.
We need samples to see which combination of data can occur in ClientName.

No, you're never too old to Yak'n'Roll if you're too young to die.
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Starting Member

2 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-16 : 07:25:08
thank's for your posting me

i can't split the data
to Name can be have number of names name middlename lastname nikename etc (like the arbs names)
for example -> ClientName
Erorn Mikel Bon Joi
Jack clint cary
Erorn Mikel Bon Jacov
mohamd abo jaml habdalhaa
jaber mahmoud ben saber

now query all j names !

result need to look like this
1. Jack clint cary
2. jaber mahmoud ben saber
3. mohamd abo jaml habdalhaa
4. Erorn Mikel Bon Jacov
5. Erorn Mikel Bon Joi

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Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

8781 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-16 : 07:50:39
select * from table where ' '+ClientName like '% j%'

No, you're never too old to Yak'n'Roll if you're too young to die.
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