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 Call a Web Site page from Job or Stored proc

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Starting Member

6 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-18 : 13:41:00
Hi, I've got a problem. I'm developing a web site using sqlserver 2005.
I need a way to run a special web page to run a process ever hour.
I need a way to call this special aspx page.
I was wondering if it is possible to call a web page from a sqlserver job I can schedule.

I cannot write a different application to run the procedure because the web site will be hosted on some shared computer (I cannot afford a dedicated hosting server).

Is there a way to use sqlserver to do this? I only have to start a web page and that's all.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for your help

Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker

2706 Posts

Posted - 2009-09-18 : 17:52:22
If its a shared server, there is not much you can do, cause they dont allow custom scripts.

But you can use the XMLHTTP request object in extended SP to call the page, based on a job or service broker.

comprende ???
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