I have a somewhat complex SQL select statement that has a number of normal joins but also has 5 derived tables with 5 different SUM calculated fields. When I created the statement on the SQL Server Management Studio console, it performs exactly as expected but when I copy and paste into the BI Visual Studio designer the calculated SUM fields display "Unsupported Data Type" when on the Data tab. If I flip to the Preview tab, all 5 calculated fields contain the correct value from the First field from the selects. That is, if Sum(Field1)=1, Sum(Field2)=2, Sum(Field3)=3, Sum(Field4)=4,Sum(Field5)=5and the field order on the select statement resembles Select Field4, Field2, Field5, Field3, Field1The value for ALL 5 fields shows as "4" but if I flip Field4 and Field2 and make NO OTHER CHANGES:Select Field2, Field4, Field5, Field3, Field1The value for ALL 5 fields now shows as "2"No-I am not crazy What follows is the actual SQL but for me to create sample test data may not be practical. I bolded the lines but if it does not display that way to you, they aer the 5 qty fields after the select CASE statements. SELECT ED_Contact.C_MemberNum AS [Member #], ED_Contact.First_Name AS First, ED_Contact.Last_Name AS Last, ED_Contact.Address_1 AS Addr1, ED_Contact.Address_2 AS Addr2, ED_Contact.City, ED_Contact.State_ AS State, ED_Contact.Zip, ED_Alt_Phone.Phone, ED_Lead_.Phone AS [Other Phone], ED_Lead_.C_Phone_Type AS [Other Phone Type], ED_Alt_Phone_1.Email, ED_Lead_.Email AS [Other Email], ED_Lead_.C_Contact_Method AS [Pref. Ctct Method], ED_Lead_.C_Time_To_Contact AS [Pref. Ctct Time], ED_Lead_.C_Channel AS Channel, ED_Lead_.Lead_Source_Type AS [Marketing Source], ED_Contact_1.Rn_Descriptor AS [Ref. by Member], ED_Employee.Rn_Descriptor AS [Ref. by Employee], ED_C_Department.Rn_Descriptor AS [Ref. by Dept], ED_Employee_1.Rn_Descriptor AS [Created By], ED_C_Department_1.Rn_Descriptor AS [Create By Dept], ED_Lead_.Rn_Create_Date AS [Created On], ED_Lead_.C_Tr_Destination AS Destinations, ED_Lead_.C_Tr_DepartureDate AS [Departure Date], ED_Lead_.C_Tr_ReturnDate AS [Return Date], ED_Lead_.C_Tr_TravelDateText AS [Travel Date Notes], ED_Lead_.C_Tr_NumTravellers AS [Number Travelering],CASE WHEN Interest_Cruise.[Cruise2] = 'Cruise'THEN 'Yes'ELSE ' 'END AS Cruise, Interest_Cruise.[Cruise Qty] AS Qty,CASE WHEN Interest_Motor_Coach.[Motor Coach2] = 'Motor Coach'THEN 'Yes'ELSE ' 'END AS [Motor Coach], Interest_Motor_Coach.[Motor Coach Qty] AS Qty,CASE WHEN Interest_Hotel.[Hotel2] = 'Hotel'THEN 'Yes'ELSE ' 'END AS Hotel, Interest_Hotel.[Hotel Qty] AS Qty,CASE WHEN Interest_Air.[Air2] = 'Air'THEN 'Yes'ELSE ' 'END AS Air, Interest_Air.[Air Qty] AS Qty,CASE WHEN Interest_Attraction_Tickets.[Attraction Tickets2] = 'Attraction Tickets'THEN 'Yes'ELSE ' 'END AS Tickets, Interest_Attraction_Tickets.[Attraction Tickets Qty] AS Qty, ED_Lead_.CommentsFROM ED_Lead_INNER JOIN ED_Contact ON ED_Lead_.Contact_Id = ED_Contact.Contact_Id INNER JOIN ED_Employee AS ED_Employee_1 ON ED_Lead_.Created_By_Employee_Id = ED_Employee_1.Employee_Id INNER JOIN ED_C_Lead_Type ON ED_Lead_.C_Lead_Type_Id = ED_C_Lead_Type.C_Lead_Type_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN ED_C_Department AS ED_C_Department_1ON ED_Lead_.C_Create_User_Dept_Id = ED_C_Department_1.C_Department_IdLEFT OUTER JOIN ED_C_Department ON ED_Lead_.C_Refer_User_Dept_Id = ED_C_Department.C_Department_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN ED_Employee ON ED_Lead_.Referred_By_Employee_Id = ED_Employee.Employee_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN ED_Contact AS ED_Contact_1 ON ED_Lead_.Referred_By_Contact_Id = ED_Contact_1.Contact_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN ED_Alt_Phone AS ED_Alt_Phone_1 ON ED_Lead_.C_Email_Id = ED_Alt_Phone_1.Alt_Phone_Id LEFT OUTER JOIN ED_Alt_Phone ON ED_Lead_.C_Phone_Id = ED_Alt_Phone.Alt_Phone_Id --- CruiseLEFT OUTER JOIN(SELECT Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor AS [Cruise2], SUM(Quantity) AS [Cruise Qty] FROM ED_Product_Interest AS Interest1 WHERE (Rn_Descriptor = 'Cruise') GROUP BY Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor) AS Interest_CruiseON ED_Lead_.Lead__Id = Interest_Cruise.Lead_Id--- Motor CoachLEFT OUTER JOIN(SELECT Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor AS [Motor Coach2], SUM(Quantity) AS [Motor Coach Qty] FROM ED_Product_Interest AS Interest2 WHERE (Rn_Descriptor = 'Motor Coach') GROUP BY Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor) AS Interest_Motor_CoachON ED_Lead_.Lead__Id = Interest_Motor_Coach.Lead_Id--- HotelLEFT OUTER JOIN(SELECT Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor AS [Hotel2], SUM(Quantity) AS [Hotel Qty] FROM ED_Product_Interest AS Interest3 WHERE (Rn_Descriptor = 'Hotel') GROUP BY Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor) AS Interest_HotelON ED_Lead_.Lead__Id = Interest_Hotel.Lead_Id--- AirLEFT OUTER JOIN(SELECT Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor AS [Air2], SUM(Quantity) AS [Air Qty] FROM ED_Product_Interest AS Interest4 WHERE (Rn_Descriptor = 'Air') GROUP BY Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor) AS Interest_AirON ED_Lead_.Lead__Id = Interest_Air.Lead_Id--- Attraction TicketsLEFT OUTER JOIN(SELECT Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor AS [Attraction Tickets2], SUM(Quantity) AS [Attraction Tickets Qty] FROM ED_Product_Interest AS Interest4 WHERE (Rn_Descriptor = 'Attraction Tickets') GROUP BY Lead_Id, Rn_Descriptor) AS Interest_Attraction_TicketsON ED_Lead_.Lead__Id = Interest_Attraction_Tickets.Lead_Id--- WHERE (ED_Lead_.Rn_Create_Date >= @StartDate) AND (ED_Lead_.Rn_Create_Date < @EndDate + 1)WHERE (ED_Lead_.Rn_Create_Date >= getdate()-1) AND (ED_Lead_.Rn_Create_Date < getdate() + 1) AND (ED_C_Lead_Type.Rn_Descriptor = 'Group Travel - Individual')