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Yak Posting Veteran
62 Posts |
Posted - 2009-09-29 : 14:58:33
ok this may be a silly question so bear with me;let's say I perform a dbcc cleantable and dbreindex; these functions will just defrag the tables in question. they are NOT going to change the actual values of my PK's and FK's right? for example, record ID 23 is still going to be 23 right?Thanks, |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Yak Posting Veteran
62 Posts |
Posted - 2009-09-30 : 10:21:29
Thank you, that's what I thought but to be safe I asked anyway. The "reindexing" part is what sounded strangemaybe they should have called it "defrag" or something.more importantly, I conducted my own tests:I have a Calendar table that was 94% fragmented anda Numbers table 35% fragmented.SQL 2005 expressI ran dbcc cleantable and dbcc dbreindex on both tables andthe calendar table shrank down to 12% (yay) but the Numbers table stubbornly stayed at 35% (??)I ran it again on Numbers and it went up! 85%! (Ouch)on SQL 2000 the calendar table went downI don't have a Numbers table on the SQL 2000 side. so i created one and it's not fragmented (??)I ran dbcc UpdateUseage to no effect.Any ideas as to why the Numbers table increases fragmentation on 2005?Should I just drop the table and recreate it? Or is there another way to defrag it?Thanks, |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Yak Posting Veteran
62 Posts |
Posted - 2009-09-30 : 13:08:38
Sorry Tara but I'm blocked from getting the script. Can you paste it in a reply? I tried this:alter index ALL on NumbersREBUILD and dbcc updateusageand it still has 87% for avg_fragmentation_in_percentWhat am I doing wrong? Did I mess up this table by using dbreindex and cleantable? |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Not Just a Number
15586 Posts |
Posted - 2009-09-30 : 13:19:21
[code]-- required tableIF OBJECT_ID('DefragmentIndexes') IS NULL CREATE TABLE DefragmentIndexes ( DatabaseName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, SchemaName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, TableName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, IndexName nvarchar(100) NOT NULL, DefragmentDate datetime NOT NULL, PercentFragmented decimal(4, 2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_DefragmentIndexes PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName, IndexName, DefragmentDate ) )GOIF OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[isp_ALTER_INDEX]') IS NOT NULL DROP PROC [dbo].[isp_ALTER_INDEX]GOSET ANSI_NULLS ONGOSET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ONGO--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OBJECT NAME : isp_ALTER_INDEX---- AUTHOR : Tara Kizer---- INPUTS : @dbName - name of the database-- @statsMode - LIMITED, SAMPLED or DETAILED-- @defragType - REORGANIZE (INDEXDEFRAG) or REBUILD (DBREINDEX)-- @minFragPercent - minimum fragmentation level-- @maxFragPercent - maximum fragmentation level-- @minRowCount - minimum row count-- @logHistory - whether or not to log what got defragmented-- @sortInTempdb - whether or not to sort the index in tempdb;-- recommended if your tempdb is optimized (see BOL for details)---- OUTPUTS : None---- DEPENDENCIES : DefragmentIndexes, sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, sys.objects, sys.schemas, -- sys.indexes, sys.partitions, sys.indexes, sys.index_columns, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS---- DESCRIPTION : Defragments indexes/* EXEC isp_ALTER_INDEX @dbName = 'QHOSClient1', @statsMode = 'SAMPLED', @defragType = 'REBUILD', @minFragPercent = 10, @maxFragPercent = 100, @minRowCount = 1000, @logHistory = 1, @sortInTempdb = 1*//* Bug Fix - added SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON to the script Feature - added logging feature Bug Fix - initialized @lobData to 0 for each pass through the loop Bug Fix - checked for LOB data in included columns of non-clustered indexes Feature - added SORT_IN_TEMPB option Bug Fix - added index_level = 0 to sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats query*/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CREATE PROC [dbo].[isp_ALTER_INDEX]( @dbName sysname, @statsMode varchar(8) = 'SAMPLED', @defragType varchar(10) = 'REORGANIZE', @minFragPercent int = 25, @maxFragPercent int = 100, @minRowCount int = 0, @logHistory bit = 0, @sortInTempdb bit = 0)ASSET NOCOUNT ONIF @statsMode NOT IN ('LIMITED', 'SAMPLED', 'DETAILED')BEGIN RAISERROR('@statsMode must be LIMITED, SAMPLED or DETAILED', 16, 1) RETURNENDIF @defragType NOT IN ('REORGANIZE', 'REBUILD')BEGIN RAISERROR('@defragType must be REORGANIZE or REBUILD', 16, 1) RETURNENDDECLARE @i int, @objectId int, @objectName sysname, @indexId int, @indexName sysname, @schemaName sysname, @partitionNumber int, @partitionCount int, @sql nvarchar(4000), @edition int, @parmDef nvarchar(500), @allocUnitType nvarchar(60), @indexType nvarchar(60), @online bit, @disabled bit, @dataType nvarchar(128), @charMaxLen int, @allowPageLocks bit, @lobData bit, @fragPercent floatSELECT @edition = CONVERT(int, SERVERPROPERTY('EngineEdition'))SELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS FragIndexId, [object_id] AS ObjectId, index_id AS IndexId, avg_fragmentation_in_percent AS FragPercent, record_count AS RecordCount, partition_number AS PartitionNumber, index_type_desc AS IndexType, alloc_unit_type_desc AS AllocUnitTypeINTO #FragIndexFROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(@dbName), NULL, NULL, NULL, @statsMode)WHERE avg_fragmentation_in_percent > @minFragPercent AND avg_fragmentation_in_percent < @maxFragPercent AND index_id > 0 AND index_level = 0ORDER BY ObjectId-- LIMITED does not include data for record_countIF @statsMode IN ('SAMPLED', 'DETAILED') DELETE FROM #FragIndex WHERE RecordCount < @minRowCountSELECT @i = MIN(FragIndexId) FROM #FragIndexSELECT @objectId = ObjectId, @indexId = IndexId, @fragPercent = FragPercent, @partitionNumber = PartitionNumber, @indexType = IndexType, @allocUnitType = AllocUnitTypeFROM #FragIndexWHERE FragIndexId = @iWHILE @@ROWCOUNT <> 0BEGIN -- get the table and schema names for the index SET @sql = ' SELECT @objectName = o.[name], @schemaName = s.[name] FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.sys.objects o JOIN ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.sys.schemas s ON s.schema_id = o.schema_id WHERE o.[object_id] = @objectId' SET @parmDef = N'@objectId int, @objectName sysname OUTPUT, @schemaName sysname OUTPUT' EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @parmDef, @objectId = @objectId, @objectName = @objectName OUTPUT, @schemaName = @schemaName OUTPUT -- get index information SET @sql = ' SELECT @indexName = [name], @disabled = is_disabled, @allowPageLocks = allow_page_locks FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.sys.indexes WHERE [object_id] = @objectId AND index_id = @indexId' SET @parmDef = N' @objectId int, @indexId int, @indexName sysname OUTPUT, @disabled bit OUTPUT, @allowPageLocks bit OUTPUT' EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @parmDef, @objectId = @objectId, @indexId = @indexId, @indexName = @indexName OUTPUT, @disabled = @disabled OUTPUT, @allowPageLocks = @allowPageLocks OUTPUT SET @lobData = 0 -- for clustered indexes, check for columns in the table that use a LOB data type IF @indexType = 'CLUSTERED INDEX' BEGIN -- CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH column will equal -1 for max size or xml SET @sql = ' SELECT @lobData = 1 FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = @schemaName AND TABLE_NAME = @objectName AND (DATA_TYPE IN (''text'', ''ntext'', ''image'') OR CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = -1)' SET @parmDef = N'@schemaName sysname, @objectName sysname, @lobData bit OUTPUT' EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @parmDef, @schemaName = @schemaName, @objectName = @objectName, @lobData = @lobData OUTPUT END -- for non-clustered indexes, check for LOB data type in the included columns ELSE IF @indexType = 'NONCLUSTERED INDEX' BEGIN SET @sql = ' SELECT @lobData = 1 FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.sys.indexes i JOIN ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.sys.index_columns ic ON i.object_id = ic.object_id JOIN ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c ON ic.column_id = c.ORDINAL_POSITION WHERE c.TABLE_SCHEMA = @schemaName AND c.TABLE_NAME = @objectName AND = @indexName AND ic.is_included_column = 1 AND (c.DATA_TYPE IN (''text'', ''ntext'', ''image'') OR c.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = -1)' SET @parmDef = N'@schemaName sysname, @objectName sysname, @indexName sysname, @lobData bit OUTPUT' EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @parmDef, @schemaName = @schemaName, @objectName = @objectName, @indexName = @indexName, @lobData = @lobData OUTPUT END -- get partition information for the index SET @sql = ' SELECT @partitionCount = COUNT(*) FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.sys.partitions WHERE [object_id] = @objectId AND index_id = @indexId' SET @parmDef = N'@objectId int, @indexId int, @partitionCount int OUTPUT' EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @parmDef, @objectId = @objectId, @indexId = @indexId, @partitionCount = @partitionCount OUTPUT -- Developer and Enterprise have the ONLINE = ON option for REBUILD. -- Indexes, including indexes on global temp tables, can be rebuilt online with the following exceptions: -- disabled indexes, XML indexes, indexes on local temp tables, partitioned indexes, -- clustered indexes if the underlying table contains LOB data types (text, ntext, image, varchar(max), -- nvarchar(max), varbinary(max) or xml), and -- nonclustered indexes that are defined with LOB data type columns. -- When reoganizing and page locks is disabled for the index, we'll switch to rebuild later on, -- so we need to get setup with the proper online option. IF @edition = 3 AND (@defragType = 'REBUILD' OR (@defragType = 'REORGANIZE' AND @allowPageLocks = 0)) BEGIN SET @online = CASE WHEN @indexType = 'XML INDEX' THEN 0 WHEN @indexType = 'NONCLUSTERED INDEX' AND @allocUnitType = 'LOB_DATA' THEN 0 WHEN @lobData = 1 THEN 0 WHEN @disabled = 1 THEN 0 WHEN @partitionCount > 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END END ELSE SET @online = 0 -- build the ALTER INDEX statement SET @sql = 'ALTER INDEX ' + QUOTENAME(@indexName) + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(@dbName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@schemaName) + '.' + QUOTENAME(@objectName) + CASE WHEN @defragType = ' REORGANIZE' AND @allowPageLocks = 0 THEN ' REBUILD' ELSE ' ' + @defragType END -- WITH options IF @online = 1 OR @sortInTempdb = 1 BEGIN SET @sql = @sql + ' WITH (' + CASE WHEN @online = 1 AND @sortInTempdb = 1 THEN 'ONLINE = ON, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON' WHEN @online = 1 AND @sortInTempdb = 0 THEN 'ONLINE = ON' WHEN @online = 0 AND @sortInTempdb = 1 THEN 'SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON' END + ')' END IF @partitionCount > 1 AND @disabled = 0 AND @indexType <> 'XML INDEX' SET @sql = @sql + ' PARTITION = ' + CAST(@partitionNumber AS varchar(10)) -- run the ALTER INDEX statement EXEC (@SQL) -- log some information into a history table IF @logHistory = 1 INSERT INTO DefragmentIndexes (DatabaseName, SchemaName, TableName, IndexName, DefragmentDate, PercentFragmented) VALUES(@dbName, @schemaName, @objectName, @indexName, GETDATE(), @fragPercent) SELECT @i = MIN(FragIndexId) FROM #FragIndex WHERE FragIndexId > @i SELECT @objectId = ObjectId, @indexId = IndexId, @fragPercent = FragPercent, @partitionNumber = PartitionNumber, @indexType = IndexType, @allocUnitType = AllocUnitType FROM #FragIndex WHERE FragIndexId = @iENDGO[/code]Brett8-)Hint: Want your questions answered fast? Follow the direction in this link yourself! |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2009-09-30 : 15:42:15
quote: Originally posted by X002548 Tara,I get this when I try to compileMsg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure isp_ALTER_INDEX, Line 91Incorrect syntax near '('.
It needs to be placed into a database with a compatibility level of 90 or 100. You'll only get that error, as far as I know at least, if the database compatibility level is 80.The code can reindex an 80 database on 2005, but the isp_ALTER_INDEX object needs to be in a database with 90 or 100.Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server to my blog"Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up until this point is wrong." |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2009-09-30 : 15:42:57
quote: Originally posted by Zim327 I tried this:alter index ALL on NumbersREBUILD and dbcc updateusageand it still has 87% for avg_fragmentation_in_percentWhat am I doing wrong? Did I mess up this table by using dbreindex and cleantable?
Not all tables can be defragmented. How big is the table? How big is the index? How many rows, how many pages?Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server to my blog"Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up until this point is wrong." |
Yak Posting Veteran
62 Posts |
Posted - 2009-10-02 : 10:55:59
Here's what showcontig said about the table:DBCC SHOWCONTIG scanning 'Numbers' table...Table: 'Numbers' (562101043); index ID: 1, database ID: 5TABLE level scan performed.- Pages Scanned................................: 8- Extents Scanned..............................: 6- Extent Switches..............................: 7- Avg. Pages per Extent........................: 1.3- Scan Density [Best Count:Actual Count].......: 12.50% [1:8]- Logical Scan Fragmentation ..................: 87.50%- Extent Scan Fragmentation ...................: 66.67%- Avg. Bytes Free per Page.....................: 972.0- Avg. Page Density (full).....................: 87.99%The current compatibility level is 90.I tried both your stored proc and alter you think this is just a problem with SQL Express? Meaning if I had the full enterprise version this would have worked?Thanks to everyone for the assistance, |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2916 Posts |
Posted - 2009-10-02 : 11:38:14
on a seperate angle, you may be over analysising the problem. your table looks to be small enough not to matter if it is 10, 20, 70 or 90% fragmented. any decent server will pull in that full table into cache on the first activity. |
Yak Posting Veteran
62 Posts |
Posted - 2009-10-02 : 12:25:00
ok fair enough, so what should I use specifically as a threshold (how many rows + total fragmentation plus any other factors etc etc) to decide when it's time to defrag a given table?Thanks, |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |
Posted - 2009-10-02 : 12:36:06
I discussed that topic with Microsoft a few months back. The answer was to not bother with defragmenting until fragmentation was greater than 75% and there are at least 1000 pages in the index. I chose to look at indexes over 50% fragmentation just in case. I haven't yet added the page count check in my custom code though.Tara KizerMicrosoft MVP for Windows Server System - SQL Server to my blog"Let's begin with the premise that everything you've done up until this point is wrong." |
Yak Posting Veteran
62 Posts |
Posted - 2009-10-02 : 14:00:07
Excellent, and a big thank you to everyone! |
Almighty SQL Goddess
38200 Posts |