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Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-15 : 06:24:39
Hi,I will explain the scenario before getting to the promlem.This process runs every night and picks up certain records (for instance sales from Alaska. Its just an example). Now those certain records have to be inserted into a NewTable which will keep them for future reference. This query also keeps a record of the date when the record was modified and that also gets inserted into the NewTable.When the query runs the next time, it looks for records who have a Last Modified GREATER than what was Inserted in the NewTable. If the LastModified date is greater for the record, which was inserted in NewTable the previous night, this record with the new modified date is inserted in the same table. I am using HAVING clause and looking for MAXIMUM LastModifiedDate for those records.The problem I am facing is that when the query runs again, i.e. the third time, it brings the SAME record, even when the LastModified date was not greater than the Last night. I will try & explain with records:First night run:ID Name LastModifiedDate===========================================1 Alaska 2009-12-15 10:05:25.0002 Seattle 2009-12-15 10:10:00.0003 NY 2009-12-15 10:30:25.000Record 3 was Modified and the next night, query will only bring the 3 records as output and insert it into NewTableOutputID Name LastModifiedDate===========================================4 NewYork 2009-12-15 10:45:01.000NewTableID Name LastModifiedDate===========================================1 Alaska 2009-12-15 10:05:25.0002 Seattle 2009-12-15 10:10:00.0003 NY 2009-12-15 10:30:25.0004 NewYork 2009-12-15 10:45:01.000However, When the query runs the next day, even if there was no change in the record, it still brings it up with the same date, so the NewTable will have the following records:NewTable On third nightID Name LastModifiedDate===========================================1 Alaska 2009-12-15 10:05:25.0002 Seattle 2009-12-15 10:10:00.0003 NY 2009-12-15 10:30:25.0004 NewYork 2009-12-15 10:45:01.0005 NewYork 2009-12-15 10:45:01.000As you can see in LastModified for ID 4 and 5, they are the same, which I dont want. In my case, the output should be as follows:NewTable On third nightID Name LastModifiedDate===========================================1 Alaska 2009-12-15 10:05:25.0002 Seattle 2009-12-15 10:10:00.0003 NY 2009-12-15 10:30:25.0004 NewYork 2009-12-15 10:45:01.000i.e. No record insertion since the LastModified was NOT greater on third night.I hope someone can help.Cheers. |
Slow But Sure Yak Herding Master
3608 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-15 : 06:46:40
How about posting your query as i'm sure you have an issue with the query, not the data? |
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-15 : 10:34:18
Here is the code:--USE DECLARE @AcademicYearID varchar(5)SET @AcademicYearID =(SELECT AcademicYearIDFROM AcademicYear WITH (NOLOCK)WHERE DATEADD(Year, 0, GETDATE()) BETWEEN StartDate AND EndDate)--Start of QueryIF (SELECT MAX([Detail Number]) FROM Extra.[dbo].[QLCashBookExport]) IS NULL --Check Table for NULLBEGINSELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS [Detail Number], S.StudentDetailID, fc.FeeContributionID, LEFT(S.RefNo, 6) AS RefNo, 'TEFC' AS [Journal Code], 'SL1' AS [Ledger Code], --REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), getdate(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) [Transaction Date], --CONVERT(CHAR(8), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 3) [Transaction Date], CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS SMALLDATETIME) [Transaction Date], ' ' AS [Reference1], pm.[Description] AS [Reference2], S.FirstForeName + ' ' + S.Surname AS [Description], CASE when pm.PaymentMethodID IN (1, 2) THEN REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), getdate(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + ISNULL(fc.TillCode, ' No Till') ELSE REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + 'CC' END AS [Paying In Reference], CASE WHEN e.FeeSourceID = 01 THEN CAST ((CASE when s.EmployerID IS NULL THEN fc.OrganisationID else s.EmployerID END) as varchar(4)) + 'T' ELSE LEFT(s.RefNo, 6) END AS [Account Code], S.FirstForeName + ' ' + S.Surname AS [Payee Name], CASE WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'Receipt%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 5) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'CHQ%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 6) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode IS NULL THEN '' ELSE fc.ReceiptCode END AS [Receipt Number], fc.Amount AS [Header Net Value], ' ' AS [Header VAT Code], '0' AS [Header VAT Value], fc.Amount AS [Header Gross Value], '0' AS [Header Discount Value], ' ' AS [Project Chart Code], ' ' AS [Project Account Code], O.Code, fc.Amount AS [Line Net Value], ' ' AS [Line VAT Code], '0' AS [Line VAT Value], fc.Amount AS [Line Gross Value], '0' AS [Line Discount], ISNULL ( MAX ( fc.[LastModifiedDate] ), CAST (GETDATE() AS DATETIME)) AS LastModifiedDateINTO #QLCashBookKNewFROM FeeContribution AS fc WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN Enrolment AS e WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.EnrolmentID = fc.EnrolmentID INNER JOIN Offering AS o ON e.OfferingID = o.OfferingID INNER JOIN StudentDetail AS s WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.StudentDetailID = s.StudentDetailID and fc.StudentDetailID = s.StudentDetailID LEFT join PaymentMethod as pm on pm.PaymentMethodID = fc.PaymentMethodID --and e.FeeSourceID = pm.PaymentMethodID LEFT join Organisation as org WITH (NOLOCK) on org.OrganisationID = s.SchoolIDWHERE s.AcademicYearID = '09/10'AND OfferingTypeID <> 3 -- Exclude unitsAND fc.PaymentMethodID IN (1, 2, 3, 6) --Cash, Cheque, Direct Debit, Credit CardAND fc.FeeContributionTypeID = 2 --Paymentand fc.DatePaid IS NOT NULLGROUP BY S.StudentDetailID, fc.FeeContributionID, s.RefNo, pm.Description, s.FirstForename, s.Surname, pm.PaymentMethodID, fc.OrganisationID, s.EmployerID, e.FeeSourceID, fc.ReceiptCode, fc.Amount, fc.TillCode, o.CodeORDER BY ISNULL ( MAX ( fc.[LastModifiedDate] ), CAST ( GETDATE() AS DATETIME))/*SELECT * FROM #QLCashBookKNewDROP TABLE #QLCashBookKNew*/--*******************----INSERT into a Table for Checks--*******************----SET IDENTITY_INSERT Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExport ON INSERT INTO Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExport( [StudentDetailID], [FeeContributionID], [RefNo], [Journal Code], [Ledger Code], [Transaction Date], [Reference1], [Reference2], [Description], [Paying In Reference], [Account Code], [Payee Name], [Receipt Number], [Header Net Value], [Header VAT Code], [Header VAT Value], [Header Gross Value], [Header Discount Value], [Project Chart Code], [Project Account Code], [Code], [GLCODE], [Line Net Value], [Line VAT Code], [Line VAT Value], [Line Gross Value], [Line Discount], [LastModifiedDate])SELECT [StudentDetailID], [FeeContributionID], [RefNo], [Journal Code], [Ledger Code], [Transaction Date], [Reference1], [Reference2], [Description], [Paying In Reference], [Account Code], [Payee Name], [Receipt Number], [Header Net Value], [Header VAT Code], [Header VAT Value], [Header Gross Value], [Header Discount Value], [Project Chart Code], [Project Account Code], [Code], [GLCODE], [Line Net Value], [Line VAT Code], [Line VAT Value], [Line Gross Value], [Line Discount], [LastModifiedDate]FROM #QLCashBookKNew--SET IDENTITY_INSERT Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExport OFFSELECT *FROM #QLCashBookKNewDROP TABLE #QLCashBookKNew--*******************----Insert Check Ends--*******************--/*SELECT * FROM Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExportORDER BY [Detail NUmber]*/END/*--============================================================================IF there are records in the QLCASHBOOKExport Table, then check if there are any changes to them in the following query.--============================================================================*/ELSE IF (SELECT MAX ( [Detail Number]) FROM Extra.[dbo].[QLCashBookExport]) IS NOT NULL --Check Table for NULLBEGINSELECT IDENTITY(int, 1, 1) AS [Detail Number], S.StudentDetailID, fc.FeeContributionID, LEFT(S.RefNo, 6) AS RefNo, 'TEFC' AS [Journal Code], 'SL1' AS [Ledger Code], --REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), getdate(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) [Transaction Date], --CONVERT(CHAR(8), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 3) [Transaction Date], CAST(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS SMALLDATETIME) [Transaction Date], ' ' AS [Reference1], pm.[Description] AS [Reference2], S.FirstForeName + ' ' + S.Surname AS [Description], CASE when pm.PaymentMethodID IN (1, 2) THEN REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), getdate(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + ISNULL(fc.TillCode, ' No Till') ELSE REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + 'CC' END AS [Paying In Reference], CASE WHEN e.FeeSourceID = 01 THEN CAST ((CASE when s.EmployerID IS NULL THEN fc.OrganisationID else s.EmployerID END) as varchar(4)) + 'T' ELSE LEFT(s.RefNo, 6) END AS [Account Code], S.FirstForeName + ' ' + S.Surname AS [Payee Name], CASE WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'Receipt%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 5) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'CHQ%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 6) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode IS NULL THEN '' ELSE fc.ReceiptCode END AS [Receipt Number], fc.Amount AS [Header Net Value], ' ' AS [Header VAT Code], '0' AS [Header VAT Value], fc.Amount AS [Header Gross Value], '0' AS [Header Discount Value], ' ' AS [Project Chart Code], ' ' AS [Project Account Code], O.Code, fc.Amount AS [Line Net Value], ' ' AS [Line VAT Code], '0' AS [Line VAT Value], fc.Amount AS [Line Gross Value], '0' AS [Line Discount], ISNULL ( MAX ( fc.[LastModifiedDate] ), CAST (GETDATE() AS DATETIME)) AS LastModifiedDateINTO #QLCashBookUpdFROM FeeContribution AS fc WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN Enrolment AS e WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.EnrolmentID = fc.EnrolmentID INNER JOIN Offering AS o ON e.OfferingID = o.OfferingID INNER JOIN StudentDetail AS s WITH (NOLOCK) ON e.StudentDetailID = s.StudentDetailID and fc.StudentDetailID = s.StudentDetailID LEFT join PaymentMethod as pm on pm.PaymentMethodID = fc.PaymentMethodID --and e.FeeSourceID = pm.PaymentMethodID LEFT join Organisation as org WITH (NOLOCK) on org.OrganisationID = s.SchoolID RIGHT JOIN Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExport as qlc on qlc.FeeContributionID = fc.FeeContributionID and fc.LastModifiedDate > qlc.LastModifiedDate and qlc.RefNo = left(S.RefNo, 6) and qlc.StudentDetailID = S.StudentDetailID and qlc.StudentDetailID = E.StudentDetailIDWHERE s.AcademicYearID = '09/10'AND OfferingTypeID <> 3 -- Exclude unitsAND fc.PaymentMethodID IN (1, 2, 3, 6) --Cash, Cheque, Direct Debit, Credit CardAND fc.FeeContributionTypeID = 2 --Paymentand fc.DatePaid IS NOT NULL--ADDITIONAL CHECKS, Not tested yet./*and ( fc.ReceiptCode NOT LIKE qlc.[Receipt Number] OR LEN(fc.ReceiptCode) <> LEN(qlc.[Receipt Number]) OR fc.[PaymentMethodID] NOT LIKE (SELECT PaymentMethodID from PaymentMethod where [Description] like qlc.[Reference2]) OR LEN(fc.[PaymentMethodID]) <> LEN((SELECT PaymentMethodID from PaymentMethod where [Description] like qlc.[Reference2])) OR (CASE when pm.PaymentMethodID IN (1, 2) THEN REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), getdate(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + ISNULL(fc.TillCode, ' No Till') ELSE REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + 'CC' END) NOT LIKE '%' + qlc.[Paying In Reference] + '%' OR LEN( (CASE when pm.PaymentMethodID IN (1, 2) THEN REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), getdate(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + ISNULL(fc.TillCode, ' No Till') ELSE REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(8), GETDATE(), 3), '/', SPACE(0)) + 'CC' END) ) <> LEN(qlc.[Paying In Reference]) OR (CASE WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'Receipt%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 5) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'CHQ%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 6) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode IS NULL THEN '' ELSE fc.ReceiptCode END) NOT LIKE '%'+ qlc.[Receipt Number] + '%' OR LEN( (CASE WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'Receipt%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 5) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode like 'CHQ%' THEN RIGHT(fc.ReceiptCode, 6) WHEN fc.ReceiptCode IS NULL THEN '' ELSE fc.ReceiptCode END) ) <> len(qlc.[Receipt Number]) OR fc.Amount <> qlc.[Header Net Value] OR fc.Amount <> qlc.[Header Gross Value] OR fc.Amount <> qlc.[Line Net Value] OR fc.Amount <> qlc.[Line Gross Value] )*/GROUP BY S.StudentDetailID, fc.FeeContributionID, s.RefNo, pm.Description, s.FirstForename, s.Surname, pm.PaymentMethodID, fc.OrganisationID, s.EmployerID, e.FeeSourceID, fc.ReceiptCode, fc.Amount, fc.TillCode, o.Code, qlc.LastModifiedDate, fc.StudentDetailID, fc.FeeContributionIDHAVING MAX(fc.LastModifiedDate) > MAX(qlc.LastModifiedDate) --(select MAX(LastModifiedDate) from Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExport where StudentDetailID = fc.FeeContributionID)--ORDER BY ISNULL ( MAX ( fc.[LastModifiedDate] ), CAST ( GETDATE() AS DATETIME))--*******************----INSERT into a Table for Checks with NEW Records--*******************--INSERT INTO Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExport( [StudentDetailID], [FeeContributionID], [RefNo], [Journal Code], [Ledger Code], [Transaction Date], [Reference1], [Reference2], [Description], [Paying In Reference], [Account Code], [Payee Name], [Receipt Number], [Header Net Value], [Header VAT Code], [Header VAT Value], [Header Gross Value], [Header Discount Value], [Project Chart Code], [Project Account Code], [Code], [GLCODE], [Line Net Value], [Line VAT Code], [Line VAT Value], [Line Gross Value], [Line Discount], [LastModifiedDate])SELECT [StudentDetailID], [FeeContributionID], [RefNo], [Journal Code], [Ledger Code], [Transaction Date], [Reference1], [Reference2], [Description], [Paying In Reference], [Account Code], [Payee Name], [Receipt Number], [Header Net Value], [Header VAT Code], [Header VAT Value], [Header Gross Value], [Header Discount Value], [Project Chart Code], [Project Account Code], [Code], [GLCODE], [Line Net Value], [Line VAT Code], [Line VAT Value], [Line Gross Value], [Line Discount], [LastModifiedDate]FROM #QLCashBookUpd--SET IDENTITY_INSERT Extra.dbo.QLCashBookExport OFF--*******************----Insert Check Ends--*******************--SELECT *FROM #QLCashBookUpdorder by RefnoDROP TABLE #QLCashBookUpdEND |
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-17 : 04:34:53
Can someone help please? |
Slow But Sure Yak Herding Master
3608 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-21 : 06:49:19
Looks to me like FeeContribution has a later date than the last date you inserted into QLCashBookExport. Not too sure on your logic here anyway, but without sample data and structures, I can only assume that you think its right.Anyway, check the dates in FeeContribution and QLCashBookExport, check you are not comparing a date with a time part with a date without a time part as this can also trip you up. |
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-22 : 05:02:50
Logic is to get records from FeeContribution on the first run, put them in an Excel file as CSV (that will be done through DTS). When the Stored Procedure (i.e. this query itself in SP) is executed the next time it looks for NULL in [Detail Number] column and since the records were inserted the last time, it will execute the second part of the query. Now, in second part, it has to look for for the records which have already been inserted in CashBook table and if they were not modified, they shouldn't be put in the CSV file & the only way to check that is to look at LastModifiedDate.However, if the date from FeeContribution is greater than CashBook table, meaning the record has been modified since the last run, should put the record in the CSV and also insert in CashBook table (that is why I have used the MAX(fc.LastModifiedDate) > MAX(qlc.LastModifiedDate) in HVING clause).The problem is that the date in FeeContribution is exactly the same as CashBook table (Refer to my first post) in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and so forth run of query.For instance a record modifed would keep coming back again in the query even when the date is actually equal to the date in cashbook table and NOT greater than that.The data type is exactly the same. I have created a script for FeeContribution table from Enterprise Manager and used that same field in script for Cashbook table.There is nothing like time part being used in the query and it has baffled me as to where & whats going wrong in the query. |
Slow But Sure Yak Herding Master
3608 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-22 : 06:18:16
Ok, then you join condition:and fc.LastModifiedDate > qlc.LastModifiedDate seems to be wrong for me. Without sample data, it is difficult to say whether your logic is correct though, especially as you have an ISNULL condition in the select statement. |
Starting Member
35 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-22 : 09:37:32
quote: Originally posted by RickD Ok, then you join condition:and fc.LastModifiedDate > qlc.LastModifiedDate seems to be wrong for me. Without sample data, it is difficult to say whether your logic is correct though, especially as you have an ISNULL condition in the select statement.
Tell you what, I have tried that join condition too and it hasn't worked :).If you refer to the first post, this is whats happening (ofcourse there are lots of columns, but I didn't want to put in more columns to complicate things even more)quote: However, When the query runs the next day, even if there was no change in the record, it still brings it up with the same date, so the NewTable will have the following records:NewTable On third nightID Name LastModifiedDate===========================================1 Alaska 2009-12-15 10:05:25.0002 Seattle 2009-12-15 10:10:00.0003 NY 2009-12-15 10:30:25.0004 NewYork 2009-12-15 10:45:01.000 5 NewYork 2009-12-15 10:45:01.000
Say that ID = 4 was inserted on 3rd night. The same record gets inserted into the Cashbook table even when the date was equal and NOT greater.I hope it helps. If not, I will post some sample data, with lots of columns. |
Slow But Sure Yak Herding Master
3608 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-22 : 10:16:42
please do post some sample data in an easy to use format. See the FAQs if you need more info. |
Starting Member
5 Posts |
Posted - 2009-12-22 : 21:54:20
SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.MDC_ProductBin.InventoryPackNo, MAX(dbo.ModuleSummary.TestDate + 2 + dbo.ModuleSummary.TestTime) AS MaxTestDateTimeFROM dbo.MDC_ProductBin LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ModuleSummary ON LEFT(LTRIM(dbo.MDC_ProductBin.InventoryPackNo), 12) = LEFT(LTRIM(dbo.ModuleSummary.Name), 12)WHERE (dbo.ModuleSummary.VmpMOd IS NOT NULL) AND (dbo.ModuleSummary.VocMod IS NOT NULL) AND (dbo.ModuleSummary.ImpMod IS NOT NULL) AND (dbo.ModuleSummary.IscMod IS NOT NULL) AND (dbo.ModuleSummary.FF IS NOT NULL) AND (dbo.ModuleSummary.Power > 100) AND (dbo.ModuleSummary.Power IS NOT NULL)GROUP BY dbo.MDC_ProductBin.InventoryPackNoORDER BY dbo.MDC_ProductBin.InventoryPackNo |