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 UDA parallelism issue

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Starting Member

11 Posts

Posted - 2010-03-05 : 05:09:28
I have this simple UDA:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

MaxByteSize = 8000
public struct MY_AVG : IBinarySerialize

private int m_uCount;
private SqlDecimal m_uAvg;
private SqlDecimal m_uValue;

public void Init()
m_uCount = 0;
m_uValue = 0;

public void Accumulate(SqlDecimal Value)
if (!Value.IsNull)
++m_uCount; //number of values
// m_uValue = (SqlDecimal)Value;
m_uValue += Value;
//m_uValue += (SqlDecimal)Value;

public void Merge(MY_AVG Group)
this.m_uValue = Group.m_uValue;
this.m_uCount = Group.m_uCount;

public SqlString Terminate()
return m_uAvg.ToSqlString();

public void Read(BinaryReader r)
m_uAvg = r.ReadDecimal();
//precision 1 means m_sMedian = NULL
if (m_uAvg.Precision == 1)
m_uAvg = new SqlDecimal();

public void Write(BinaryWriter w)
if (m_uCount != 0)
//m_uAvg = SqlDecimal.Divide(this.m_uValue, this.m_uCount);
m_uAvg = this.m_uValue / this.m_uCount;


I execute the following query:
select dbo.MY_AVG(F585850) FROM T585879_1900_1

which returns NULL. The input table doesn't have NULL values in F585850 column. This query will use Merge method to gather all streams and produce the final result.
If I use the MAXDOP hint the result returned is correct (200001)

select dbo.MY_AVG(F585850) FROM T585879_1900_1 OPTION (MAXDOP 1)

Obviously when using MAXDOP, the uda's Merge method is not called. Now, I set some breakpoints in the Merge method and I could notice that the m_uValue of the Group object is always NULL. The code is very simple.
Any idea how can i fix this (without maxdop).

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Ionut Hrubaru

Starting Member

11 Posts

Posted - 2010-03-08 : 03:24:09
I managed to get this done with the help of Barry Young:

Ionut Hrubaru
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