I want to create an index on Classes for this query. It joins onto another table.I'm not sure whether to create 3 indexes (InstructorID,ClassroomID,LessonID) each including all of the Classes fields in the select. Or do I only need to include the selected columns for the LessonID index?SELECT Lessons.LessonID, LessonTitle, Lesson, Lessons.Description, Classes.DateStart, Classes.DateEnd, Classes.DateEnrollmentEnd, Classes.AllowSelfEnroll, RecurType, RecurEndDate, LocationName, Classrooms.Details AS LocationDetails, AdminLogins.ContactFirstName + ' ' + AdminLogins.ContactLastName AS InstructorName FROM Classes INNER JOIN Lessons ON Lessons.LessonID = Classes.LessonID LEFT JOIN AdminLogins ON AdminLogins.LoginID = Classes.InstructorID LEFT JOIN Classrooms ON Classrooms.ClassroomID = Classes.ClassroomID WHERE Lessons.LessonID = 456