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Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-20 : 03:51:46
i am working with sql server 2000 & few days ago i found my tempdb database become so large. it was nearly 200MB but within 12 hours in became 15 GB! >>My tempdb’s current properties area. Recovery model : Simpleb. Size: 14016 MB, Space available: 14015 MBc. Automatically grow file & Unrestricted file growthd. File growth rate: 10%it should mentioned that no of select/insert/update or delete query not increase in my database within that period so it seems quite unusual to me…Whatever I found some solution from net and one of them I chose following solution:-------------------------------------------ALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE(NAME = 'tempdev', SIZE = target_size_in_MB) --Deisred target size for the data fileALTER DATABASE tempdb MODIFY FILE(NAME = 'templog', SIZE = target_size_in_MB)--Desired target size for the log fileStop and start SQL SERVER....----------------------------------------------------My questions are:01. if I manually resize tempdb.mdf and tempdb.ldf fileWill it lose any data from tempdb?02. Will it affect any on my user database?I am very confused about that issue, if anyone has better solution please advice me.Thanking youMainur Rahman Shohanshohan |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-20 : 04:06:00
Assuming this was a one-off (some massive operation) just restart the SQL Server and TEMPDB will revert to its normal start-up size.(That doesn't always happen, so report back if not, but that is what is supposed to happen!) |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-20 : 04:12:08
I have restarted the SQL server service but tempdb remained same in size... it does not work :(shohan |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-20 : 04:26:49
The solution then is more complicated I'm afraid.Just check that the startup size hasn't been changed to 12GB - in case some twit has twiddled with it. (If so when you restart SQL it will make a new file, that size)Shrinking TEMPDB has the potential to corrupt other databases, so should specifically be done with the SQL Service started in single user mode. |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-20 : 04:59:49
thanks...but Microsoft gave almost same solution wt i liked.... according to your link"sqlservr -c -f" that command not working in command propmt!the link also call for resize the tempdb by alter database statement shohan |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-20 : 05:21:58
is there any advice?please postthanksshohan |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-20 : 06:48:24
"sqlservr -c -f" that command not working in command propmt!Tells me nothing ...Presumably your path is set correctly? |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-22 : 03:15:10
I have restarted SQL SERVER Service by the followingNET STOP MSSQLSERVERNET START MSSQLSERVERWith theory, tempdb should re size and should start with its minimum starting size.but it did not.mdf file size is still 14GB!!!please help me.shohan |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-22 : 04:14:34
You said:""sqlservr -c -f" that command not working in command propmt!"But "not working" doesn't tell us anything. Error message? What happens? |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-22 : 04:28:19
i put sqlserver -c -f and after clicking enter i got the following msg:"sqlservr" is not recognize as an internal or external command, operation program or a batch filewhat does -c -f mean?shohan |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-22 : 04:32:04
""sqlservr" is not recognize as an internal or external command, operation program or a batch file"I said before:"Presumably your path is set correctly?"given the above error message then your path is probably NOT set correctly. Or just switch to the folder where the sqlserver command is and run it from there. |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-22 : 04:37:01
"what does -c -f mean?"See SQL Server documentation "Book online" - available on Microsoft site, or you can download and install on your PC |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-22 : 06:21:14
i have set the path of Binn and To start the default instance of SQL Server with minimal configurationFrom a command prompt, i entered the following command:sqlservr.exe -fit execute but after clearing and starting tempdb.. recovery also completed but then a warning comes: "Warning override, autoexec procedure skipped" and no other execution is working after that!cursor is blinking on the black screen!shohan |
22859 Posts |
Posted - 2010-07-22 : 07:48:44
Long time since Iv'e done it, but I think you can start Query Analyser (on that machine) and connect to the "single user" instance and then run the SHRINK commands as per the knowledge-base article |