I'm currently working on BULK INSERT to load data from my csv to staging table. Everything is working fine unless one last thing where my flat file last row contains number of data and its dynamic. How do i skip the last row in BULK INSERT. my code."INSERT Cust_Info_Test_Loader " + "([Reseller_ID]," + "[Reseller_Name]," + "[Account_No]," + "[Login_ID]," + "[Customer_Name]," //+ "[Outlet_ID]," + "[Service_Type]," + "[Outlet_FullName]," + "[Service_No]," + "[Status_Date]," + "[Package_Name]," + "[Registration_Date]," + "[Status_Code]," + "[Outstanding_Balance]," + "[Agent_ID]," + "[Old_Package_Name]," + "[Product_Code]," + "[Cust_Seg_Code]," + "[PTT_Code]," + "[PTT_Desc]," + "[Cost_Centre_Code]," + "[Sector_Code]," + "[Old_Outlet_ID]" //+ "[Package_Group]" + ")" + "select [Reseller_ID]," + "[Reseller_Name]," + "[Account_No]," + "[Login_ID]," + "[Customer_Name]," //+ "[Outlet_ID]," + "[Service_Type] = 'Y'," + "[Outlet_FullName]," + "[Service_No]," + "[Status_Date]," + "[Package_Name]," + "[Registration_Date]," + "[Status_Code]," + "[Outstanding_Balance]," + "[Agent_ID]," + "[Old_Package_Name]," + "[Product_Code]," + "[Cust_Seg_Code]," + "[PTT_Code]," + "[PTT_Desc]," + "[Cost_Centre_Code]," + "[Sector_Code]," + "[Old_Outlet_ID]" //+ "[Package_Group]" + "FROM OPENROWSET (BULK 'C:/Java/testload.csv',FORMATFILE='C:/Java/test.Xml',LASTROW = -1) as BulkLoadFile";