Yak Posting Veteran
55 Posts |
Posted - 2011-11-19 : 18:27:04
From your comments is hard to gage what the issue is.Check ghost records are being cleared down should be done by a back ground process. Check table usage in case there are tables storing such things as NTEXT fields. Low number of records but huge volumes of data is a good start.Have known databases not to shrink due to the lack of clustered indexes and primary keys. If there is a large free space in the database and the shrink file does not release the space then this is the issue described above.Had this problem myself added clusterd indexes to heaps without primary keys , shrunk the file and then removed the indexes.Every other attempt to claim the free space failed.---------------------------------------------------------- ghost records--------------------------------------------------------SELECT DB_NAME (database_id) AS database_name,--OBJECT_NAME (a.object_id) AS object_name,b.name,a.index_type_desc AS index_type,a.alloc_unit_type_desc AS alloc_unit_type,a.page_count,record_count,ghost_record_count,a.version_ghost_record_count,forwarded_record_count FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID ('<DatabaseName>'), OBJECT_ID ('<TableName>'), NULL, NULL, 'DETAILED') as a join sys.objects b on a.object_id = b.object_id where a.ghost_record_count > 0 or a.forwarded_record_count > 0-------------------------------------------------- table usage------------------------------------------------USE DATABASEGOBEGIN tryDECLARE @table_name VARCHAR(500) ; DECLARE @schema_name VARCHAR(500) ; DECLARE @tab1 TABLE( tablename VARCHAR (500) collate database_default, schemaname VARCHAR(500) collate database_default ); DECLARE @temp_table TABLE ( tablename sysname , row_count INT , reserved VARCHAR(50) collate database_default, data VARCHAR(50) collate database_default, index_size VARCHAR(50) collate database_default, unused VARCHAR(50) collate database_default ); INSERT INTO @tab1 SELECT t1.name, t2.name FROM sys.tables t1 INNER JOIN sys.schemas t2 ON ( t1.schema_id = t2.schema_id ); DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT t2.name + '.' + t1.name FROM sys.tables t1 INNER JOIN sys.schemas t2 ON ( t1.schema_id = t2.schema_id ); OPEN c1; FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @table_name; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @table_name = REPLACE(@table_name, '[',''); SET @table_name = REPLACE(@table_name, ']',''); -- make sure the object exists before calling sp_spacedused IF EXISTS(SELECT OBJECT_ID FROM sys.objects WHERE OBJECT_ID = OBJECT_ID(@table_name)) BEGIN INSERT INTO @temp_table EXEC sp_spaceused @table_name, false ; END FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @table_name; END; CLOSE c1; DEALLOCATE c1; SELECT t1.tablename, t1.row_count,-- t1.reserved,-- t1.data,-- t1.index_size,-- t1.unused, cast(replace(t1.reserved, 'kb', '') as decimal(10,2)) as 'Reserved', cast(replace(t1.data, 'kb', '') as decimal(10,2)) as 'Data', cast(replace(t1.index_size, 'kb', '') as decimal(10,2)) as 'Index', cast(replace(t1.unused, 'kb', '') as decimal(10,2)) as 'Unused', t2.schemaname FROM @temp_table t1 INNER JOIN @tab1 t2 ON (t1.tablename = t2.tablename ) ORDER by cast(replace(t1.data, 'kb', '') as decimal(10,2)) desc --ORDER BY schemaname,tablename;END try BEGIN catch SELECT -100 AS l1, ERROR_NUMBER() AS tablename, ERROR_SEVERITY() AS row_count, ERROR_STATE() AS reserved, ERROR_MESSAGE() AS data, 1 AS index_size, 1 AS unused, 1 AS schemaname END catch |