I'm trying to learn about Many to many relationships. I found a website that explains them by giving you code to run in SQL that will build the tables for you. I had intended to build the tables and then look at them to see how they were setup, but the code must have been written for another version of SQL (I'm using access 2010) as it gives me errors every time I try to run it. This is the code: -- ------------------------------------------------------- Table `Country`-- -----------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE `Country` ( `countryId` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `countryName` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`countryId`) ); -- ------------------------------------------------------- Table `Language`-- -----------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE `Language` ( `languageId` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `languageName` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`languageId`) ); -- ------------------------------------------------------- Table `Country2Language`-- -----------------------------------------------------CREATE TABLE `Country2Language` ( `Country_countryId` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `Language_languageId` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`Country_countryId`, `Language_languageId`) , INDEX `fk_Country_has_Language_Language1` (`Language_languageId` ASC) , INDEX `fk_Country_has_Language_Country` (`Country_countryId` ASC) , CONSTRAINT `fk_Country_has_Language_Country` FOREIGN KEY (`Country_countryId` ) REFERENCES `Country` (`countryId` ) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT `fk_Country_has_Language_Language1` FOREIGN KEY (`Language_languageId` ) REFERENCES `Language` (`languageId` ) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION);
I'm hoping I can list some of the commands I'm not understanding and get some clarification on their meanings: 1. "INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT "2. "INDEX `fk_Country_has_Language_Language1` (`Language_languageId` ASC)" - I've never done anything with Indexes before, Does anyone have a source that they like that teaches about them? 3. "CONSTRAINT `fk_Country_has_Language_Country`"4. "REFERENCES `Country` (`countryId` )"5. "ON DELETE NO ACTION" and "ON UPDATE NO ACTION"Thank you for your helpBruce