Hi,I took a backup of a database with "Compressed" selected in "set backup compression".When I restore it is taking 6 hours for a backup that usually take an hour without compression. Should I be worried?I used the following commandRegards,Shiyamrestore database DBBlahfrom disk='D:\Shiyamtemp\DBBlah_Jan29.bak' WITH MOVE 'DBBlah_Data' TO 'D:\SQLDATA\DBBlah_Jan29.mdf',MOVE 'DBBlah_Log' TO 'D:\SQLDATA\DBBlah_Jan29.ldf',replace, recovery, stats=5, maxtransfersize=1048576
This is where it is stuck for atleast 4 hours.75 percent processed.80 percent processed.85 percent processed.90 percent processed.95 percent processed.100 percent processed.Processed 6162912 pages for database 'DBBlah', file 'DBBlah_Data' on file 1.Processed 1 pages for database 'DBBlah', file 'Blazon_Log' on file 1.
Tried in 2 different database servers, same deal. Please let me know if this could be an issue?- Shiyam