I am using Teradata but the merge statement does work in Teradata. I'm just having a newbie syntax error. Here is my statement:MERGE INTO tables_dev.cust_wishlist AS tgtUSING stage.WL_WISHLIST AS src ON tgt.cust_wishlist_id = src.id AND tgt.cust_acct_id = src.customer_idWHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET name = cust_wishlist_name_txt, cust_wishlist_typ_cd = cust_wishlist_typ_cd, wl_private = prvt_ind, is_default = dflt_ind, ship_addr_id = ship_addr_id, event_dt = event_dt, create_date = create_dttm, CURRENT_DATE = last_update_dttm, 'ETL_ADHOC_USER' = last_update_user
It's crashing on "CURRENT_DATE = last_update_dttm,". The error message is misleading. It says, "Syntax error, expected something like a name or unicode delimited identifier or a ROWID keyword between ',' and "CURRENT_DATE". it seems reasonable to me that an update in a merge should include the ability to insert a current date as a last_updated time stamp. BTW this syntax works fine in a regular update statement, but the merge is crashing. Help?Craig Greenwood