Visual Studios either restarts or closes when I try to run a report.Background:Database is SQL Server 2008 R2Report is through Visual Studios 2008I have a very simple stored procedure that has two parameters and a simple select statement. The .sql looks like this:/* Create Stored Procedure */CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.mySPROC @tabName varchar(50) = NULL , @mnemonic varchar(15) = NULLAS/****Temp table to process a list of @tabName parameters using a user defined function ****/create table #tabName(string varchar(50))insert #tabName(string)select string from dbo.CSVToVarChar(@tabName, ',')/****Temp table to process a list of @mnemonic parameters using a user defined function ****/create table #mnemonic(string varchar(15))insert #mnemonic(string)select string from dbo.CSVToVarChar(@mnemonic, ',')SELECT dstu.dbName AS DBName , dstu.dict_token AS Token , dstu.colname AS ColumnName , dstu.tabname AS TableName , dstu.mnemonic AS mnemonic , dstu.pfdesc AS PF_Descrip , dstu.batch_update AS Batch_Update , dstu.list_sequence AS List_Sequence , dstu.cross_year AS Cross_YearFROM dbo.dict_stu dstu WHERE dstu.tabName LIKE 'User_%' AND dstu.tabname IN (select string from #tabName)OR (dstu.tabname IN ( CASE WHEN ISNULL(@tabName,dstu.tabname) = 'ALL' THEN dstu.tabname ELSE @tabName END ) )AND dstu.mnemonic in (select string from #mnemonic)ORDER BY dstu.tabname , dstu.dict_tokenGO
The .rdl has three datasets: 1) dsCustomData (from the SPROC) 2) dsTableName (for the tabname parameter) 3) dsMnemonic (for the mnemonic parameter)The parameters are set to allow multiple values.Is there something I am doing wrong?Thanks.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Got some code from Rob. Can anyone help?