thanks - yes that something like what I need. If possible I want it to mimic the oracle triggers I have as close as possible so reports look the same. Here is what I did in Oracle - (I'm not that familiar with MSSQL and it's inner workings yet)apologies for code window not showing - can't seem to get the tags working?[code]CREATE TABLE audlog.session_audit (user_name VARCHAR2(30), log_date DATE, session_id VARCHAR2(30), ip_addr VARCHAR2(30), hostname VARCHAR2(30), auth_type VARCHAR2(30), os_user VARCHAR2(30), event VARCHAR2(8), program VARCHAR2(30)) tablespace users;Create Or Replace Trigger Trg_Logon_Info After Logon On DatabaseDeclareProgram Varchar2(30);BeginSelect program into program From v$session Where sid=(Select Max(Sid) From V_$Mystat);Insert Into Audlog.Session_Audit Values ( user , sysdate , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'SESSIONID') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'IP_ADDRESS') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'HOST') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'OS_USER') , 'LOG ON' -- Event , Program );End;/Create Or Replace Trigger Trg_Logoff_Infobefore Logoff On DatabaseDeclareProgram Varchar2(30);BeginSelect Program Into Program From V$Session Where Sid=(Select Max(Sid) From V_$Mystat);Insert Into Audlog.Session_Audit Values ( user , sysdate , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'SESSIONID') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'IP_ADDRESS') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'HOST') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'AUTHENTICATION_TYPE') , Sys_Context ('USERENV', 'OS_USER') , 'LOG OFF' -- Event , Program );End;