Morning,I am having a total brain cramp this morning. I am trying to write a query that says, show me all the fiber customers who do not have at least one outage contact assigned. The ContactTypeID in this case is '1007','1008','1009' for Outage Contact #1,#2 and #3. Fiver is defined as anything like SFC. This is what I have so far:select distinct b.CustomerAcctNumber,b.CustID,b.CustomerName,t.Description OutageContact,c.FirstName,c.lastName, c.Email1, c.phone1, c.phone2,c.hoursofaccess from infodir.CustomerBase b inner join infodir.UsgSvc u on b.custid = u.custid left join infodir.CustomerContactLink l on b.custid = l.custid left join infodir.Contact c on l.ContactID = c.ContactID and c.ContactTypeID in ('1007','1008','1009') left join infodir.ContactType t on c.ContactTypeID = t.ContactTypeIDwhere ServiceNumber like '%SFC%'
Any thoughts would be great! ThanksLaura