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Constraint Violating Yak Guru
280 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 07:24:52
For a customer I'm going to make a POC to move a relative small database from on-premises to MS Azure SQL DB.One thing that is getting in the way is this: I have a CLR SP in de DB that cannot be migrated since it's CLR aka .NET code running on the server.What this CLR SP Does is this : I feed it with a Content string (Email / Letter) and a SQL Query with two parameters (PK and helping key).In the content string I have something like "Hello mister ##PersonName## your course ##CourseName## is starting ##CourseDate##"The query is a query that will return a certain amount of columns and only 1 record.For each column I do a replacement AKAContent = Replace (Content,## + NAMEOFCOLUMN + ##, VALUEOFCOLUMN) so I get a perfect merge! In fact I do this twice so I even can have nested parameters in .NET code this is about 10 lines of simple code, so very powerful and this works like a charm for ages.I have scratched my head for some time now how I am gonna write this in T-SQL (it's a very DB based solution)I also look for other options as long as the database can trigger the merge and I don't believe I can make the Azure DB make SOAP calls.So what thoughts do you have? Though I am lazy and I cannot bill a lot of hours for this, I can write T-SQL pretty easily, so brainfarts are probably good enough!Maybe I can use temp tables and query them with sys.columns, however, what approach would be clever?Henri Koppen~~~~'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 08:40:23
Would you a.u.b. post the code to the CLR module? I think it can be translated to a user defined function. |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
280 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 09:00:01
sqlCom.CommandText = f.GetSQL("39f8ef7d-2e65-dd11-aa49-001e4f3b05fd") Is just a way to fill the commandtext with a query like : select PersonName, CourseName, CourseDate FROM CoursePersons WHERE CourseGuid = @Key1 AND PersonGuid = @Key2.If the content is"Hello mister ##PersonName## your course ##CourseName## is starting ##CourseDate##" The wanted result is for example:"Hello mister Koppen your course MCSE is starting 09/12/2014" Imports SystemImports System.DataImports System.Data.SqlClientImports System.Data.SqlTypesImports Microsoft.SqlServer.ServerPartial Public Class StoredProcedures <Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure()> _ Public Shared Sub spMergeSjabloon(ByVal RecordGuid As String, ByVal SjabloonGuid As String, <Runtime.InteropServices.Out()> ByRef Resultaat As String, Optional ByVal RecordGuidOptional As String = "") ' Versie 0.01 - 08-08-2008 - Henri Koppen ' Beschrijving : ' Pakt een record en een sjabloon, voegt deze samen en geeft het resultaat terug in de vorm van een datatabel ' Versie 0.02 - 22-09-2008 - Henri Koppen ' Extra Optionele parameter meegenomen RecordGuidOptional deze wordt als @Guid2 meegegeven. Dim f As New Functies Dim RecordGuid2 As Guid = Guid.Empty ' Optionele parameter als GUID doorgeven als het een GUID is. If f.IsGuid(RecordGuidOptional) Then RecordGuid2 = New Guid(RecordGuidOptional) End If ' Validatie If IsNothing(RecordGuid) OrElse RecordGuid.Length = 0 Then Exit Sub End If If IsNothing(SjabloonGuid) OrElse SjabloonGuid.Length = 0 OrElse Not f.IsGuid(SjabloonGuid) Then Exit Sub End If Dim Inhoud As String Dim SQLGuid As Guid Dim sqlCon As SqlConnection Dim sqlCom As New SqlCommand Dim _dt As New DataTable Dim _da As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter sqlCom = New SqlCommand sqlCon = New SqlConnection("context connection=true;") sqlCom.Parameters.Clear() sqlCom.CommandText = f.GetSQL("39f8ef7d-2e65-dd11-aa49-001e4f3b05fd") sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@guid", SjabloonGuid) sqlCon.Open() sqlCom.Connection = sqlCon _da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sqlCom) _da.Fill(_dt) sqlCon.Close() ' Lege tabel of meerdere records = wegwezen If IsNothing(_dt) OrElse _dt.Rows.Count <> 1 Then Exit Sub End If Inhoud = _dt.Rows(0).Item("Inhoud").ToString SQLGuid = New Guid(_dt.Rows(0).Item("SqlGuid").ToString) If IsNothing(SQLGuid) OrElse SQLGuid = Guid.Empty Then Resultaat = Inhoud Exit Sub End If ' We hebben genoeg informatie om een datatable op te halen voor replacement _dt = New DataTable sqlCom = New SqlCommand sqlCon = New SqlConnection("context connection=true;") sqlCom.Parameters.Clear() sqlCom.CommandText = f.GetSQL(SQLGuid.ToString) sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@guid", RecordGuid) sqlCom.Parameters.AddWithValue("@guid2", RecordGuid2) ' Extra optionele guid meegeven sqlCon.Open() sqlCom.Connection = sqlCon _da = New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sqlCom) _da.Fill(_dt) sqlCon.Close() ' Lege tabel of meerdere records = wegwezen If IsNothing(_dt) OrElse _dt.Rows.Count <> 1 Then Resultaat = Inhoud Exit Sub End If For Each _dtc As DataColumn In _dt.Columns Inhoud = Replace(Inhoud, "##" & _dtc.ColumnName.ToString & "##", _dt.Rows(0).Item(_dtc.ColumnName.ToString).ToString) Next Resultaat = Inhoud '' Geef de inhoud terug aan de interface 'SqlContext.Pipe.Send(Inhoud) End SubEnd Class Henri Koppen~~~~'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 09:28:51
OK, what does f.GetSQL do?FWIW, The rest looks translatable to a UDF (good thing I can read Dutch!) |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
280 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 09:50:37
f.GetSQL Is just a function which gets a SQL instruction from a SQLQuery table. So f.GetSQL("39f8ef7d-2e65-dd11-aa49-001e4f3b05fd") will result in something like sqlCom.CommandText = "select PersonName, CourseName, CourseDate FROM CoursePersons WHERE CourseGuid = @Key1 AND PersonGuid = @Key2"However in this case : sqlCom.CommandText = f.GetSQL(SQLGuid.ToString) It will get the SQL Instruction from the Template (Sjabloon) and uses that. A template is a record in the Template table which consists of a sql instruction, the content of the template and such.But this is the gist of the function (and the dynamic part) ; For Each _dtc As DataColumn In _dt.Columns Inhoud = Replace(Inhoud, "##" & _dtc.ColumnName.ToString & "##", _dt.Rows(0).Item(_dtc.ColumnName.ToString).ToString) NextInhoud is dutch for Content.Henri Koppen~~~~'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
280 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 09:53:44
BTW : I don't see the relation between VB.NET code and UDF. The challange is dynamic replacements based on generic query's. The CLR procedure runs like a charm, but because of moving the Azure SQL I cannot use CLR and doubt if we ever can... I freakin' love CLR and on a database server it runs so very fast!This construct is very powerful. FYI I also posted this on and am willing to pay for a solution...Henri Koppen~~~~'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 10:01:15
"Inhoud is dutch for Content." -- weet ik!So, the UDF will get a query from the Template table then execute it. So, in the UDF, that section becomes basicallyDECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)set @sql = (select <column containing sql command> from <template table>)exec sp_executesql @sqlIt's not hard to build up list of columns and query arguments. There's a great article on that kind of thing |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
280 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 10:48:05
I am sorry Gerald, it's a bit more than building up a query. Maybe my description is not clear enough since I get a lot for return question on oDesk too.As I see it now, there's no easy solution to my problem and I have to rewrite some database logic into my webservice. What I want is not easily accomplished in SQL, so have to take a different tactic.Henri Koppen~~~~'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-12 : 12:51:40
Post the getsql function. I'll convert it to a udf. Then, we can use it to code up the main function as a udf |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
280 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-15 : 05:25:30
Gerald,GETSQL just get's SQL instruction from a source. f.GetSQL (Some guid) will typically return a query like :SELECT TOP 1dbo.fVandaag(GETDATE()) AS Vandaag , CAST (YEAR(GETDATE()) AS VARCHAR) + CAST (p.Volgnummer AS VARCHAR) AS [CertificaatNummer], CASE WHEN r.Naam LIKE ''%GHN%'' THEN NULL ELSE r.Naam END AS [RelatieNaam] -- Relatie naam van instructeur, CASE WHEN p.Straat IS NULL THEN r.PostStraat ELSE p.Straat END AS [PostStraat], CASE WHEN p.Straat IS NULL THEN r.PostHuisnummer ELSE p.Huisnummer END AS PostHuisnummer, CASE WHEN p.Straat IS NULL THEN r.PostPostcode ELSE p.Postcode END AS PostPostcode, CASE WHEN p.Straat IS NULL THEN r.PostPlaats ELSE p.Plaats END AS PostPlaats, ISNULL (p.Roepnaam, p.NaamVoluit) AS InstructeurVoornaam, p.NaamVoluit AS InstructeurNaam, p.Voorletters AS InstructeurVoorletters, p.Achternaam AS IntructeurAchternaam, CONVERT (VARCHAR, p.Geboortedatum, 105) AS GeboorteDatum, P.Geboorteplaats AS [GeboortePlaats], p.Geslacht, P.BSN, P.NIBHVnummer, p.EHBOnummerFROM Personen p LEFT JOIN Relaties r ON r.Guid = p.RelatieGuid -- Let op ! Relatie van Trainer!WHERE p.Verwijderd=0 AND p.Guid = @GuidThis query will produce 1 record with some columns which is used to replace a text like this (Templatecontent) Utrecht, ##Vandaag## Beste ##InstructeurNaam## , Hierbij wil ik u vragen of u de volgende training(en) voor ons zou kunnen verzorgen: ##HTML##Ik zie uw reactie met belangstelling tegemoet. Met vriendelijke groet, ##PostPlaats## , GHN Trainingen - - - -On oDesk someone proposed a very straight forward stored procedure, but as of today, no easy solution is possible.Henri Koppen~~~~'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-15 : 08:05:49
| translate that function to a UDF, then we can translate the main function and stop using the clr |
Constraint Violating Yak Guru
280 Posts |
Posted - 2014-09-29 : 05:23:52
I found a brilliant freelancer on oDesk who made it for me. Here's the solution to my problem. What he did, and I didn't think of is making XML of the output so you can iterate through the nodes.I paid for the solution, but you don't have to IF OBJECT_ID('spMergeSjabloon') IS NOT NULL DROP PROC spMergeSjabloonGOCREATE PROC spMergeSjabloon @query NVARCHAR(MAX), @template NVARCHAR(MAX), @key1 SQL_VARIANT, @key2 SQL_VARIANT = NULLASDECLARE @xmlquery NVARCHAR(MAX)DECLARE @result NVARCHAR(MAX)DECLARE @t TABLE(X XML)DECLARE @xml XMLSET @xmlquery = @query+' FOR XML RAW, ELEMENTS XSINIL, TYPE' --NULL valued column will be an empty element with xsi:null="true"BEGIN TRY SET @key1 = CAST(@key1 AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH; --Try to cast anything to GUIDBEGIN TRY SET @key2 = CAST(@key2 AS UNIQUEIDENTIFIER) END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH;INSERT INTO @tEXEC sp_executesql @xmlquery, @params = N'@guid SQL_VARIANT, @guid2 SQL_VARIANT', @guid=@key1, @guid2=@key2SELECT @xml = X FROM @tIF @xml IS NULL SET @result = '' --In case of 0 rows the result should be emptyELSEBEGIN DECLARE @c CURSOR, @name NVARCHAR(MAX), @value NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @c = CURSOR FOR SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE( --handling extreme column names T.C.value('local-name(.)', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') ,'_x0030_','0'),'_x0031_','1'),'_x0032_','2'),'_x0033_','3'),'_x0034_','4'),'_x0035_','5'),'_x0036_','6'),'_x0037_','7'),'_x0038_','8'),'_x0039_','9'),'_x0020_',' '),'_x003C_','<'),'_x003E_','>'),'_x003F_','?'),'_x0025_','%'),'_x0026_','&') AS NAME, T.C.value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS VALUE FROM @xml.nodes('/row/*') AS T(C) SET @result = @template OPEN @c FETCH NEXT FROM @c INTO @name, @value WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @result = REPLACE(@result, '##'+@name+'##', @value) FETCH NEXT FROM @c INTO @name, @value ENDENDSELECT @resultGO--------------------------SAMPLES---------------------------------------DECLARE @guid UNIQUEIDENTIFIERDECLARE @key NVARCHAR(50)DECLARE @id INT--Init test dataSELECT @guid = (select top 1 job_id from msdb..sysjobs), @key = (select top 1 cast(job_id as varchar(50)) from msdb..sysjobs), @id = 1--NULL field valuesEXEC spMergeSjabloon 'select * from sys.types where name = @guid', 'max length: ##max_length##, collation name: ''##collation_name##''', 'int'--No rowsEXEC spMergeSjabloon 'select * from sys.types where name = @guid', 'max length: ##max_length##, collation name: ''##collation_name##''', 'innt'--Single parameter usageEXEC spMergeSjabloon 'select name, @Guid [crazy col <>?%&], @Guid2 [2nd parameter] from master.sys.sysdatabases where dbid = @Guid', 'Database name: ##name##, id: ##crazy col <>?%##, 2nd parameter value: ''##2nd parameter##''', 1--Optional parameter usageEXEC spMergeSjabloon 'select @Guid2 step, step_name from msdb..sysjobsteps where job_id = @Guid and step_id = @Guid2', 'Name of step ##step## is ''##STEP_NAME##''', @guid, @id--NVARCHAR AS GUIDEXEC spMergeSjabloon 'select @Guid2 step, step_name from msdb..sysjobsteps where job_id = @Guid and step_id = @Guid2', 'Name of step ##step## is ''##STEP_NAME##''', @key, 2 Henri Koppen~~~~'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.Abraham Lincoln |