It sounds like you have two entities described here: 1) Accession Number which defines the vinyl record itself and 2) Songs which are on the record. If that's true then you would need two tables to store each type and define a foreign key between the two tables to define the songs that are on each vinyl record. I'll list an incomplete approximation of the tables but you'd want to identify other attributes you'd want to track.create table Vinyl ( AccessionNumber char(14) not null, Speed smallint not null, -- 78, 45, 33 Artist varchar(50), -- Any other attributes you want to track Title varchar(50), Publisher varchar(50) )gocreate table Tracks ( AccessionNumber char(14) not null constraint FK_Tracks_Vinyl foreign key references Vinyl(AccessionNumber), Track varchar(50), -- e.g., 'LKS-199' Title varchar(50), -- Song title (e.g., 'Hilo Hattie') RunningTimeSec int -- Any other attributes... )
No amount of belief makes something a fact. -James Randi