You can run this query to determine if an index isn't being used. Please note that the results are affected by the last time SQL was restarted. Never drop an index based on this report unless you know you've run through a whole cycle since the last restart. For instance, if you have a monthly job that runs and might need an index, make sure that job has run before determining to drop an index. Learn from my mistake! *Query taken from * FROM (SELECT,, i.index_id , reads=user_seeks + user_scans + user_lookups , writes = user_updates , rows = (SELECT SUM(p.rows) FROM sys.partitions p WHERE p.index_id = s.index_id AND s.object_id = p.object_id), CASE WHEN s.user_updates < 1 THEN 100 ELSE 1.00 * (s.user_seeks + s.user_scans + s.user_lookups) / s.user_updates END AS reads_per_write, 'DROP INDEX ' + QUOTENAME( + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME( + '.' + QUOTENAME(OBJECT_NAME(s.object_id)) as 'drop statement'FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats s INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.index_id = s.index_id AND s.object_id = i.object_id INNER JOIN sys.objects o on s.object_id = o.object_idINNER JOIN sys.schemas c on o.schema_id = c.schema_id--inner join sys.filegroups f on i.data_space_id = f.data_space_idWHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(s.object_id,'IsUserTable') = 1AND s.database_id = DB_ID() AND i.type_desc = 'nonclustered'AND i.is_primary_key = 0AND i.is_unique_constraint = 0) tWHERE reads = 0
You can run this query to determine which queries are using a particular index. This only works if the query is in cache. If the cache has been dropped, you won't get good results.*Query is from Jonathan Kehayias from SQLskillsSET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED DECLARE @IndexName AS NVARCHAR(128) = 'index name goes here';-- Make sure the name passed is appropriately quoted IF (LEFT(@IndexName, 1) <> '[' AND RIGHT(@IndexName, 1) <> ']') SET @IndexName = QUOTENAME(@IndexName); --Handle the case where the left or right was quoted manually but not the opposite side IF LEFT(@IndexName, 1) <> '[' SET @IndexName = '['+@IndexName; IF RIGHT(@IndexName, 1) <> ']' SET @IndexName = @IndexName + ']';-- Dig into the plan cache and find all plans using this index ;WITH XMLNAMESPACES (DEFAULT '') SELECT stmt.value('(@StatementText)[1]', 'varchar(max)') AS SQL_Text, obj.value('(@Database)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS DatabaseName, obj.value('(@Schema)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS SchemaName, obj.value('(@Table)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS TableName, obj.value('(@Index)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS IndexName, obj.value('(@IndexKind)[1]', 'varchar(128)') AS IndexKind, cp.plan_handle, query_plan FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans AS cp CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(plan_handle) AS qp CROSS APPLY query_plan.nodes('/ShowPlanXML/BatchSequence/Batch/Statements/StmtSimple') AS batch(stmt) CROSS APPLY stmt.nodes('.//IndexScan/Object[@Index=sql:variable("@IndexName")]') AS idx(obj) OPTION(MAXDOP 1, RECOMPILE);
Tara KizerSQL Server MVP since 2007