Hi Everyone,I have been asked to report on missing Stock in our Warehouse. My work uses SAP Business One for ERP, and Accellos for Warehouse Management. Both SAP / Accellos maintain stock levels, and whilst they do talk to each other (in real time), nothing is perfect and stock counts (within each system) sometimes develop discrepancies.Here is the code that I developed to show stock discrepancies -SELECTTx.[Item Code], ISNULL(Ty.Qty, 0) AS 'A1 Qty', Tx.Qty AS 'B1 Qty', Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty AS 'A1 to B1 Diff', Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Price /ea', (Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty) * Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Tot Price Diff', Tx.Whs AS WarehouseFROM( /*** Stock in SAP Business One ***/ SELECT T0.ItemCode AS 'Item Code' , T0.WhsCode AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.OnHand) AS 'Qty' , T1.AvgPrice AS AvgPrice FROM OITW T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode GROUP BY T0.ItemCode, T0.WhsCode, T1.AvgPrice) AS TxFULL JOIN( /*** Stock in Accellos ***/ SELECT T0.PRODUCT AS 'Item Code' , T0.WAREHOUSE collate DATABASE_DEFAULT AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.Quantity) AS 'Qty' , '' AS AvgPrice FROM A1Warehouse.dbo.BINLOCAT T0 GROUP BY T0.PRODUCT, T0.WAREHOUSE--, T1.AvgPrice) AS TyON Ty.[Item Code] = Tx.[Item Code] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS AND Ty.Whs = Tx.Whs collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_ASWHERE Tx.Qty <> Ty.QtyORDER BY [Item Code]
The above code works as desired, with a sample output shown below -Notice above that I have highlighted two product codes; ACR10904 & ACR401142030. Whilst both of these products are not in sync between SAP and Accellos this is not a big concern because each represents a genuine transfer of goods between two geographically separated warehouses.I can tell that these products are being transferred because; 1). the 'A1 to B1 Diff' values cancel each other out, and 2). One warehouse is TRANSIT whilst the other is a physical warehouse (e.g.: 03).Knowing all of the above I can further refine my initial query to give me only those products which are in difference and belonging to the TRANSIT warehouse (in Accellos).SELECTTx.[Item Code], ISNULL(Ty.Qty, 0) AS 'A1 Qty', Tx.Qty AS 'B1 Qty', Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty AS 'A1 to B1 Diff', Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Price /ea', (Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty) * Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Tot Price Diff', Tx.Whs AS WarehouseFROM( /*** Stock in B1 ***/ SELECT T0.ItemCode AS 'Item Code' , T0.WhsCode AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.OnHand) AS 'Qty' , T1.AvgPrice AS AvgPrice FROM OITW T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode GROUP BY T0.ItemCode, T0.WhsCode, T1.AvgPrice) AS TxFULL JOIN( /*** Stock in Accellos ***/ SELECT T0.PRODUCT AS 'Item Code' , T0.WAREHOUSE collate DATABASE_DEFAULT AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.Quantity) AS 'Qty' , '' AS AvgPrice FROM A1Warehouse.dbo.BINLOCAT T0 WHERE T0.WAREHOUSE = 'TRANSIT' GROUP BY T0.PRODUCT, T0.WAREHOUSE--, T1.AvgPrice) AS TyON Ty.[Item Code] = Tx.[Item Code] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS AND Ty.Whs = Tx.Whs collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_ASWHERE Tx.Qty <> Ty.QtyORDER BY [Item Code]
Notice above in the second derived table, called Ty that I have added the WHERE clause and am now only returning results where the Accellos warehouse is 'TRANSIT', as shown below -I can then alter the WHERE clause to return only SAP warehouses, e.g.: none that are 'TRANSIT', by modifying the line below -WHERE T0.WAREHOUSE <> 'TRANSIT'
It has occurred to me that I may be able to perform some kind of a subtraction operation by creating two CTEs, the first containing only products that are in the (Accellos) 'TRANSIT' warehouse, and the other only products that are in a physical (SAP) warehouse (e.g.: 03, 04, etc).However aside from creating the CTEs I am stuck for ideas...;WITH CTETransitWhs AS( SELECT Tx.[Item Code] , ISNULL(Ty.Qty, 0) AS 'A1 Qty' , Tx.Qty AS 'B1 Qty' , Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty AS 'A1 to B1 Diff' , Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Price /ea' , (Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty) * Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Tot Price Diff' , Tx.Whs AS Warehouse FROM ( /*** Stock in B1 ***/ SELECT T0.ItemCode AS 'Item Code' , T0.WhsCode AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.OnHand) AS 'Qty' , T1.AvgPrice AS AvgPrice FROM OITW T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode GROUP BY T0.ItemCode, T0.WhsCode, T1.AvgPrice ) AS Tx FULL JOIN ( /*** Stock in Accellos ***/ SELECT T0.PRODUCT AS 'Item Code' , T0.WAREHOUSE collate DATABASE_DEFAULT AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.Quantity) AS 'Qty' , '' AS AvgPrice FROM A1Warehouse.dbo.BINLOCAT T0 WHERE T0.WAREHOUSE = 'TRANSIT' GROUP BY T0.PRODUCT, T0.WAREHOUSE--, T1.AvgPrice ) AS Ty ON Ty.[Item Code] = Tx.[Item Code] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS AND Ty.Whs = Tx.Whs collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS WHERE Tx.Qty <> Ty.Qty),CTEPhysicalWhs AS( SELECT Tx.[Item Code] , ISNULL(Ty.Qty, 0) AS 'A1 Qty' , Tx.Qty AS 'B1 Qty' , +(Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty) AS 'A1 to B1 Diff' , Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Price /ea' , (Ty.Qty - Tx.Qty) * Tx.AvgPrice AS 'Tot Price Diff' , Tx.Whs AS Warehouse FROM ( /*** Stock in B1 ***/ SELECT T0.ItemCode AS 'Item Code' , T0.WhsCode AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.OnHand) AS 'Qty' , T1.AvgPrice AS AvgPrice FROM OITW T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T1.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode GROUP BY T0.ItemCode, T0.WhsCode, T1.AvgPrice ) AS Tx FULL JOIN ( /*** Stock in Accellos ***/ SELECT T0.PRODUCT AS 'Item Code' , T0.WAREHOUSE collate DATABASE_DEFAULT AS 'Whs' , SUM(T0.Quantity) AS 'Qty' , '' AS AvgPrice FROM A1Warehouse.dbo.BINLOCAT T0 WHERE T0.WAREHOUSE <> 'TRANSIT' GROUP BY T0.PRODUCT, T0.WAREHOUSE--, T1.AvgPrice ) AS Ty ON Ty.[Item Code] = Tx.[Item Code] collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS AND Ty.Whs = Tx.Whs collate SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AS WHERE Tx.Qty <> Ty.Qty)SELECT???
If anybody can suggest how I go about 'subtracting' one result set from the other, to ultimately show only products that are genuinely out of sync it will be greatly appreciated. All ideas and suggestions are welcome.Finally I would like to apologise for the length of this post, and reiterate that I want the results below -Thanks for having a read over this post.Kind Regards,David