I have 2 tables.ClientsContacts (multiple contacts for one client)I'm trying to do a search that pulls a contacts where the search matches either the First Name, last Name or the clients name. If it does return clients, I'd like it to also return all the contacts associated with it.I have two problems:1. The query is not bringing up a lot of clients. In many cases a letter brings nothing back. Like G and H even though A and B return results.2. If it finds a client it only returns one contact. I'd like it to return all contacts for the client.Here's my query:SELECT addressbook.clientid, clients.clientname, addressbook.addressid, addressbook.fname, addressbook.lname FROM clients, addressbook where clients.clientid = addressbook.addressid AND (addressbook.fname LIKE '".strtoupper($_GET['txtsearch'])."%' OR addressbook.lname LIKE '".strtoupper($_GET['txtsearch'])."%' OR clients.clientname LIKE '" . strtoupper($_GET['txtsearch'])."%')