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Posting Yak Master
108 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 08:10:43
My query is SELECT t.subjectname,s.regno,s.fname,s.lname,a.totresult FROM assessment a inner join student s inner join subject t on s.regno=a.sturegno and a.subcode=t.subjectcode and s.class='BCA' and s.year='II'I get the output assubjectname regno fname lname totresultTamil stu1234 vidhya shri 12English stu1234 vidhya shri 25Java stu1234 vidhya shri 23But,I need the output as regno fname lname tamil english java stu1234 vidhya shri 12 25 23 |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 08:44:53
[code]SELECT s.regno , s.fname , s.lname , CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'Tamil' THEN a.totresult END AS 'Tamil' , CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'English' THEN a.totresult END AS 'English' , CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'Java' THEN a.totresult END AS 'Java'FROM assessment aINNER JOIN student sINNER JOIN [subject] t ON s.regno = a.sturegno AND a.subcode = t.subjectcode AND s.class = 'BCA' AND s.[year] = 'II'[/code] |
Posting Yak Master
108 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 08:58:03
It dispalys the value like thisegno fname lname Tamil English Javastu1234 vidhya shri 12 NULL NULLstu1234 vidhya shri NULL 25 NULLstu1234 vidhya shri NULL NULL 23but i need to display in a single row of each student according to the regno.stu1234 vidhya shri 12 25 23U need mention tamil, english in query ,these values are fetched from database. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 09:03:56
The solution to your first problem is to group the results like this:SELECT s.regno , s.fname , s.lname , max(CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'Tamil' THEN a.totresult END) AS 'Tamil' , max(CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'English' THEN a.totresult END) AS 'English' , max(CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'Java' THEN a.totresult END) AS 'Java'FROM assessment aINNER JOIN student sINNER JOIN [subject] t ON s.regno = a.sturegno AND a.subcode = t.subjectcode AND s.class = 'BCA' AND s.[year] = 'II'group by s.regno , s.fname , s.lname The solution to your second problem (note, you did not say anything about having more languages in your original question) is to use dynamic SQL. |
Posting Yak Master
108 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 09:17:17
now it display in single row , but subject name tamil, english, java is not constant, it may vary. how is it possible?max(CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'Tamil' THEN a.totresult END) AS 'Tamil' , max(CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'English' THEN a.totresult END) AS 'English' , max(CASE WHEN t.subjectname = 'Java' THEN a.totresult END) AS 'Java' |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 09:22:28
You will have to build the query as a string (NVARCHAR) then execute it as dynamic SQL.If you post your table definitions (CREATE TABLE statements) and some sample data (INSERT INTO statements), we can show you how to do that. |
Posting Yak Master
108 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 09:30:56
-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump-- version 4.2.11-- Host: Generation Time: Feb 09, 2015 at 03:29 PM-- Server version: 5.6.21-- PHP Version: 5.5.19SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO";SET time_zone = "+00:00";/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;/*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;/*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;---- Database: `internal`---- ------------------------------------------------------------ Table structure for table `assessment`--CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `assessment` (`assesmentid` int(11) NOT NULL, `staregno` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `sturegno` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `subcode` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `assign1` int(30) NOT NULL, `assign2` int(30) NOT NULL, `totassign` int(30) NOT NULL, `avgassign` float NOT NULL, `seminor1` int(30) NOT NULL, `seminor2` int(30) NOT NULL, `totseminor` int(30) NOT NULL, `avgseminor` float NOT NULL, `unittest1` int(40) NOT NULL, `unittest2` int(30) NOT NULL, `unittest3` int(30) NOT NULL, `unittest4` int(30) NOT NULL, `unittest5` int(30) NOT NULL, `avgunittest` float NOT NULL, `totresult` int(30) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;---- Dumping data for table `assessment`--INSERT INTO `assessment` (`assesmentid`, `staregno`, `sturegno`, `subcode`, `assign1`, `assign2`, `totassign`, `avgassign`, `seminor1`, `seminor2`, `totseminor`, `avgseminor`, `unittest1`, `unittest2`, `unittest3`, `unittest4`, `unittest5`, `avgunittest`, `totresult`) VALUES(1, 'sta123', 'stu1233', 'p11mca14', 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 2.72727, 13),(2, 'sta123', 'stu1234', 'RLCT3', 8, 7, 15, 3.75, 7, 7, 14, 3.5, 13, 16, 15, 14, 19, 4.28571, 12),(3, 'sta123', 'stu1234', 'RECLE3', 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 10, 20, 5, 48, 48, 48, 46, 74, 14.5714, 25),(4, 'sta123', 'stu1234', 'RCCS10CA3', 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 10, 20, 5, 32, 35, 48, 11, 71, 13.2, 23);-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Table structure for table `login`--CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `login` (`loginid` int(10) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(10) NOT NULL, `pass` varchar(10) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;---- Dumping data for table `login`--INSERT INTO `login` (`loginid`, `username`, `pass`) VALUES(1, 'admin', 'admin');-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Table structure for table `staff`--CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `staff` (`sid` int(100) NOT NULL, `regno` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `fname` char(100) NOT NULL, `lname` char(100) NOT NULL, `qual` char(100) NOT NULL, `desg` char(100) NOT NULL, `dob` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `gender` char(100) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `status` char(100) NOT NULL, `contact` int(100) NOT NULL, `emailid` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(30) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=2 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;---- Dumping data for table `staff`--INSERT INTO `staff` (`sid`, `regno`, `fname`, `lname`, `qual`, `desg`, `dob`, `gender`, `address`, `status`, `contact`, `emailid`, `username`, `password`) VALUES(1, 'sta123', 'vidhya', 'shri', 'MCA.,', 'Assistant prof in cs', '28/5/82', 'Female', 'sholapuram', 'Married', 2536, '', 'vidhya', 'shri');-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Table structure for table `student`--CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `student` (`sid` int(100) NOT NULL, `regno` varchar(40) NOT NULL, `fname` char(100) NOT NULL, `lname` char(100) NOT NULL, `pname` char(100) NOT NULL, `batch` char(100) NOT NULL, `class` char(100) NOT NULL, `dept` char(100) NOT NULL, `year` char(100) NOT NULL, `dob` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `gender` char(100) NOT NULL, `address` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `status` char(100) NOT NULL, `contact` int(100) NOT NULL, `emailid` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `username` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(30) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=3 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;---- Dumping data for table `student`--INSERT INTO `student` (`sid`, `regno`, `fname`, `lname`, `pname`, `batch`, `class`, `dept`, `year`, `dob`, `gender`, `address`, `status`, `contact`, `emailid`, `username`, `password`) VALUES(1, 'stu1233', 'kavi', 'ram', 'raj', '2014', 'MCA', 'Department', 'II', '28/5/81', 'Female', 'kumbkonam', 'Married', 2147483647, 'a@shri', 'kavi', 'ram'),(2, 'stu1234', 'vidhya', 'shri', 'balu', '2013', 'BCA', 'Computer Science', 'II', '28/5/82', 'Female', 'sholapuram', 'Married', 2147483647, 'a@shri', 'vidhya', 'shri');-- ------------------------------------------------------------ Table structure for table `subject`--CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `subject` (`subid` int(100) NOT NULL, `subjectcode` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `subjectname` varchar(50) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=7 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;---- Dumping data for table `subject`--INSERT INTO `subject` (`subid`, `subjectcode`, `subjectname`) VALUES(1, 'p11mca14', 'j2ee'),(2, 'p11mca15', 'web technology'),(3, 'RLCT3', 'Tamil'),(4, 'RECLE3', 'English'),(5, 'RCCS10CA3', 'Java'),(6, 'RACSY57A', 'Accounting');---- Indexes for dumped tables------ Indexes for table `assessment`--ALTER TABLE `assessment` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`assesmentid`);---- Indexes for table `login`--ALTER TABLE `login` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`loginid`);---- Indexes for table `staff`--ALTER TABLE `staff` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`sid`);---- Indexes for table `student`--ALTER TABLE `student` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`sid`);---- Indexes for table `subject`--ALTER TABLE `subject` ADD PRIMARY KEY (`subid`);---- AUTO_INCREMENT for dumped tables------ AUTO_INCREMENT for table `assessment`--ALTER TABLE `assessment`MODIFY `assesmentid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=5;---- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `login`--ALTER TABLE `login`MODIFY `loginid` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=2;---- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `staff`--ALTER TABLE `staff`MODIFY `sid` int(100) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=2;---- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `student`--ALTER TABLE `student`MODIFY `sid` int(100) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=3;---- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `subject`--ALTER TABLE `subject`MODIFY `subid` int(100) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,AUTO_INCREMENT=7;/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;/*!40101 SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;/*!40101 SET COLLATION_CONNECTION=@OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION */; |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 09:36:54
aha! I see this is MySql, correct? Unfortunately this is SQL Server-only forum. You might want to try the MySql forums |
Posting Yak Master
108 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 09:44:58
sql server got problem so i am working in mysql. so u tell in sql server. i try in mysql and check it. |
Master Smack Fu Yak Hacker
2780 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 10:20:07
First, please translate your CREATE TABLE statements to SQL Server. |
Aged Yak Warrior
545 Posts |
Posted - 2015-02-09 : 14:02:27
I am by far no pivot expert, but I think this might work:select * from (select t.subjectname ,s.regno ,s.fname ,s.lname ,a.totresult from assessment as a inner join student as s on s.regno=a.sturegno inner join subject as t on t.subjectcode=a.subcode where s.class='BCA' and s.[year]='II' ) as a pivot (sum(totresult) for subjectname in (Accounting,English,j2ee,Java,Tamil,[web technology]) ) as p If you don't want to maintain the subjectnames in the pivot section manually, you have to make this query dynamic.Also this is for mssql - you have to convert it to mysql yourself. |